Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > I Aborted Gino's Birthday Dinner! :O(

I Aborted Gino's Birthday Dinner! :O(

I didn't get much sleep last night so
I knew today would be an 'anxious' day--I tried to get some sleep during the day
but couldn't.

I had planned to take Gino out for his birthday to a new
restaurant called Salute.

He picked me up at 7 PM and off we went.

Inside we were seated with Gino
choosing a booth. I had been here when it was a Brazilian restaurant and it was
now completely redecorated. There were candles and the room had low

Me with glasses

Me without glasses

And then it happened--I started to
have an anxiety attack--I told Gino I had to go home and get an Xanax (ironically I always carry 1 with me
but this time didn't!!) so we left the restaurant with my assuring the owner and
waitress we would be back but when I got home I told Gino I didn't think I could
go back--I felt so bad because Gino has been so good to me, not only during this whole heart thing but over the years and it was our tradition that I take him out on his birthday-- BUT I did promise him
we would go out for dinner---and this time I would a Xanax before we went.

I did take one when I got home and a hour later really calmed
down--and I plan to take another before I go to bed--I NEED TO SLEEP!!! Will
have to discuss this with primary doctor when I see him Thursday.

posted on Sept 2, 2008 7:21 PM ()


I'm sure Gino understood and still appreciated the trip out to have dinner for his birthday...because friends are like that. He probably felt bad that you felt bad about it. It was already enough that you weren't feeling well and he would want you to take care of that first without adding feelings about disappointing him...because friends are like that.
comment by donnamarie on Oct 1, 2008 8:53 PM ()
I am sure that he understands! He is such a wonderful friend. He probably appreciates that you set everything up, even if the plans didn't play out according to script!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 3, 2008 12:23 PM ()
wow!that was something there.
Maybe,maybe you are moving too fast Martin.Then you need to
slow down a little and let this thing healed.
Talk you your doctor about this.
I send Gino a email birthday wishes.
take care.
comment by fredo on Sept 3, 2008 10:11 AM ()
Feel so sorry for you Martin. I know how much you care about Gino and how about you feel right now aborting the dinner. Gino will understand, be sure! Lot of hugs matey xxx
comment by itsjustme on Sept 3, 2008 1:56 AM ()

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