Gail Marie


Gail Marie
Lansing, MI
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Welcome To My World,

Life & Events > A Little About Me.

A Little About Me.

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  Some of you may remember me from blogster.  I am hoping all my dear friends from there will add me to their friend list.
     My life is still as it was. Except May 8TH I cut my wrist hoping to die. But my friends stopped me. I spent sometime in the mental ward. I just got out May 12TH.  I think they may have gotten my medications right this time. They had me on a med schedule. So I have been following it since I left the hospital.
        I also Make a goal everyday to do. This way if I am not feeling all that good. If I get it done I have done something. I have a piece of paper on the fridge that I write my goal on the as I get it done I check it off.
        I was told I am too Motherly. I try to help to many people. And leave nothing for me. I have to learn to ask for help when I need it. That is really hard for me. I am use to being strong for everyone else. I bottle up my feelings.
         They have Diagnosed me as PTSD, BIpolar with psychosis,Borderline personality disorder. I am so messed up because of past sexual and physical abuse. They say most of my problems are from me not dealing with the abuse. I don't want to because it hurts too much.
       I try to pretend that I am fine but I know I am not.
Enough For Now.
Gail Marie

posted on May 16, 2008 6:19 PM ()


I don't know if I knew you on blogster or not, but I feel like I can get to know you now. Even though it hurts too much to deal with the abuse of the past, it will be so good for you to do it. I think of it kinda like taking off a bandaid....pull it really slowly and the pain isn't so bad, yet it lasts a lot longer (keeping things to yourself)....or pull it off really fast, hurts more, but the pain is gone sooner (facing the issues of our past). We all have things in our past that have to be dealt with. I hope you find the courage to face them head on, and get them put into their proper place. You have two little boys who want and need their mommy's love! And you are filled with love for them!! Hugs to ya.....I'm keeping you in my prayers!
comment by dakmom on May 20, 2008 5:54 AM ()
Gail, I am in awe of your courageous candor.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 20, 2008 5:36 AM ()
It's nice to see you here Gail
comment by lynnie on May 17, 2008 4:03 PM ()
Nice to see you on MyBloggers! Asking for help when needed is difficult, even more so for those of us of the male persuasion! But learning to do it is well worth the effort! It makes life so much easier and more enjoyable! I read your other post about using MyBloggers... Either post your ?s or email. MyBloggers is running on the original Blogster platform (Eddie owns it), so using it might come back to you!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 17, 2008 7:44 AM ()
Gail, first big hugs for you! I am not sure where in Michigan you are, but I am going to Conccord michigan at the end of July.
Yes, you need to stop helping everyone else and concentrate on you. the goal setting is a great idea! take care of you!
comment by elkhound on May 17, 2008 6:34 AM ()
comment by strider333 on May 16, 2008 11:15 PM ()
You have friends here that care about you Gail.
comment by texastar on May 16, 2008 6:23 PM ()

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