Gail Marie


Gail Marie
Lansing, MI
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Life & Events > If it Wasn't for Bad Luck I Would Have No Luck.

If it Wasn't for Bad Luck I Would Have No Luck.

May 17TH 2008
                 I went to go get the car today with Melissa. We had lunch with Marci and her family. It was very nice.
               I go to see the car I bought. I fell in love. It is such a beautiful color purple.I get inside and I love it as much as the Taurus.
             We leave and I stop at the gas station to fill her up. Melissa is following me all the way. I am driving 60 mile an hour on the freeway. And Out of no were here come Two deer. I had no choice I was going to hit one of the. I did and messed up the front end of my beautiful car.
            I have never been in an accident before and never hit a deer ever.  I so wanted to cry. I stopped at the first rest area I came to. I had to take a plastic bag to take a piece of deer meat out of the corner of my hood. GROSSSSSSSSSSSs.
           I checked with my insurance and I don't have comp. So now I have to drive with a dented hood. UGHHHH.
           So that is how my day went.
Enough For Now.
Gail Marie

posted on May 17, 2008 7:53 PM ()


So sorry Gail. I am thankful that you are ok and that another human wasn't hurt in the accident. It stinks that your new car has a dent in it. I'm sorry girl.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 20, 2008 5:39 AM ()
Sorry to hear this, however fortunately no one was hurt as a result
comment by strider333 on May 17, 2008 11:22 PM ()
Aww I'm sorry Gail. I am thankful you are ok but, I am sorry about the car.
comment by texastar on May 17, 2008 10:46 PM ()
For heavens sake! You're lucky all you have is a dented hood, but what a sad thing to right away have a dent in your new car. There is a big ruckus going on in my area because a guy hit a deer with his car and the wildlife people decided to leave the deer carcass down in the ravine next to a bike path because 'that is the natural cycle of nature.' What it was is they didn't want to have to figure out how to get it out of there. This has brought on all kinds of editorials in the local papers about that poor deer. But back to you - congrats a new car, and I'm seeing it in my mind's eye, and there isn't a dent in it.
comment by troutbend on May 17, 2008 8:47 PM ()

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