Gail Marie


Gail Marie
Lansing, MI
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Welcome To My World,

Life & Events > Good Morning.

Good Morning.

May 27TH 2008
               I am up having my morning coffee. I have to get Matt up for school soon. So I thought I would write first.
            I just went in and he was already up. So I just had to give him clothes to wear. He is in there coughing up a Storm. I think he wants me to find him sick so he doesn't have to go to school. Which I won't  because he has a Field trip this week.
           He just came out mom I have a very bad cough. I am sick. I did check him and he has no fever.
         It will be Hunter and I today that I know of. He keeps me so busy. He has these awful fits. And when I turn my back to him he runs to the front of me then I turn again he runs and Laughs. He then thinks it's a game. I am trying to make him think that I don't care if he has a temper fit. Maybe that will stop them.
           Marci made a comment about how many crochet projects I have going. Now I am feeling bad about them and I am try to complete them all.She said "Her Husband would never allow her to have so much yarn on hand." I have started many blankets. Some are for family members. My goal was to make them and sell them on Ebay. But every time I get working on one someone wants it. The only blanket I have almost finished is a pink baby blanket I was making while I was in the hospital Mental Ward.
    I have at blanket for Melissa.
   One for Collin and Noah.
    One for Mother-in-law.
   One for Paula
  A Bee one
  One for Sherri.
Plus more I can not think of right now.
         I have to get going and get Matt off to school.
Enough For Now.
Gail Marie

posted on May 27, 2008 4:40 AM ()


I can relate to the too much yarn thing... I think I have enough scrap booking supplies to open my own kiosk,
comment by shesaidwhat on June 3, 2008 6:23 AM ()
I LOVE your background on your profile page Gail!!
comment by texastar on June 2, 2008 5:58 AM ()
My sweetie owned so much craft (dare I say) crap (no, better make that craft supplies) that it took a few pick-up loads just to bring the craft stuff here when she moved in. She keeps it clean and dry, and it seems to last indefinitely. There are women on the knitting blogs she frequents who brag about how many life-times of yawn they have on hand. I'd never get the stuff away from her even if I had a problem with it, which I don't. "Love me, love my dogs, love her, love her yawn."
comment by jjoohhnn on May 28, 2008 6:57 AM ()
I have numerous crochet projects laying around too. now you are guilting me into finishing one! have a good day Gail!
comment by elkhound on May 27, 2008 6:59 AM ()
morning Gail
comment by cindy on May 27, 2008 6:55 AM ()
It's not that he wounldn't allow it to be on hand, it's that he wouldn't want me buying all that yarn and never actually completing something. That yarn costs alot of money and to see it just sitting would kill him! That is why I only buy yarn for a project that I'm working on and no extras! That way I HAVE to finish that one before starting on another.
That is the way I do it. That is the way my hubby can justify spending a little bit at a time for the yarn.
Love Ya!!
comment by sledneck on May 27, 2008 5:38 AM ()

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