May 27TH 2008
I am up having my morning coffee. I have to get Matt up for school soon. So I thought I would write first.
I just went in and he was already up. So I just had to give him clothes to wear. He is in there coughing up a Storm. I think he wants me to find him sick so he doesn't have to go to school. Which I won't because he has a Field trip this week.
He just came out mom I have a very bad cough. I am sick. I did check him and he has no fever.
It will be Hunter and I today that I know of. He keeps me so busy. He has these awful fits. And when I turn my back to him he runs to the front of me then I turn again he runs and Laughs. He then thinks it's a game. I am trying to make him think that I don't care if he has a temper fit. Maybe that will stop them.
Marci made a comment about how many crochet projects I have going. Now I am feeling bad about them and I am try to complete them all.She said "Her Husband would never allow her to have so much yarn on hand." I have started many blankets. Some are for family members. My goal was to make them and sell them on Ebay. But every time I get working on one someone wants it. The only blanket I have almost finished is a pink baby blanket I was making while I was in the hospital Mental Ward.
I have at blanket for Melissa.
One for Collin and Noah.
One for Mother-in-law.
One for Paula
A Bee one
One for Sherri.
Plus more I can not think of right now.
I have to get going and get Matt off to school.
Enough For Now.
Gail Marie