Gail Marie


Gail Marie
Lansing, MI
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Parenting & Family > Motherhood > I Look like a Red Lobster!

I Look like a Red Lobster!

May 26TH 2008
               I took Matthew to the pool. To show him it was to cold yet to swim. He would not believe me until I did. He spent most of his time there playing in the shower. He did one big jump into the pool and never went back in.
              I stuffed my fat A** in a swim suit.  Took my extreme sun tanning gel with me. I was only out there for maybe 1hr and 1/2.  Man am I cooked. I am redder than my hair color. This is good I tell myself cause I am going to a Birthday Bash in June.
        We go get in line the night before. So we can get good ground space. It is all Country Music. We sit out in the sun all day and cook. So I am thinking get the burning out of the way so I can tan.
         Well I am burned now. Hopefully I can start taning now. I had fun outside with Matt. That is a big thing for me. Because I am out and around people. The Birthday Bash is going to be a challenge for me. There are well over 20 thousand people or more.
           I taught Joe how to make pastsy to night.  We made 2 chicken 1 beef and one veggie for me. I love veggies. It is really hard to eat them with out any teeth. I can not wait until I finally get teeth. I told them I want a veggie tray as soon as I can after getting them. They laughed at me. They now know me by the woman who wants a veggie tray. LOL. I was told I may hear something by the end off the month.
      I am excited about this. I have been without them since Nov.2007.  They OK'd my teeth to be pulled. But not to replace them. I think it was because my dentist was closing down. So I am seeing a new one.
       Enough For Now
Gail Marie

posted on May 26, 2008 5:19 PM ()


Already burned huh?
comment by sledneck on May 27, 2008 5:29 AM ()
Wow! That's a long time to be without chompers. I had my two front ones' pulled last year, along with one on the side. Finally got a partial plate. It works fine, no adhesive or anything like that in the old days...just snap it in. Good luck with yours!
comment by jjoohhnn on May 26, 2008 5:58 PM ()

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