Cute kitties and you will be so high from being newly wed and the excitement from travels that you will be just fine at your reception! I'm so excited for you!
I'm so glad you joined us!!! It is fun isn't it? Hee hee Thanks for sharing!
I didn't know there was another Walmart boycotter out there! Nice to meet you!
Yet another reason I don't shop there and haven't shopped there in 7 years and counting! More and more reasons daily! Make it hourly
I have heard that vivid dreams are a sign you have to go to the bathroom. Pee and quit that weird dreaming girl. You must wake up exhausted! My daughter almost ate a slug once... you are in good company and better tell that story~
Be careful Missy.. it will bite you in the butt and you will be wtih 4 children!!!
You are not nice to leave us all hangin with the PS and it being April fools. And is that what American boy is not "taking the out" on!!!! Thank you to Janet's American boy for not leaving us hanging so long!
Must not have been too successful if there were 2 of them?!? You have become my bed time story, that book I don't want to put down and I'm caught up waiting for the next chapter!!!!
Pecan is my favorite. That and a cup of coffee and I am in ecstasy right along with you. MMM. Darn you! Pies are not a strength of mine and store bought is never worth it! ARGH!
Hawaii is so beautiful. You are so lucky to be surrounded by such beauty all the time! I'm jealous!
Very cool!
This was great. And I thought I was short..(5'3) I forgot about traveling on mine. Can I do another one? JK
I can't imagine the struggles you still must face. Things do follow you forever don't they?
I can't imagine anyone could tell the difference between one drugged up state of mind to another. At least you had "twinkies" for a brief moment of escape.