I love you Gwen! I do that kind of stuff and have days like that all of the time. I'm in good company and love it!
Sleeplessness is running rampant! Hope you got some sleep! Cute turtles. They are right up there with Frogs! Adorable.
I'm so glad you brought your geography lessons over here. The hills are alive and I loved our travels. You are a wonderful tour guide. I would follow you anywhere.
Isn't it sad that tragedy has to hit before we realize the important things in life. Thank you Angie and Erma.
My heart breaks for such a sad event. I'm sorry for such severe weather! You are in my prayers.
Angie, thank you for sharing that part of your life and your life now. There is a chance for happiness in the future and I'm not the only one that was married to a German type man. I'm so far behind on posts!
LOL It took me a minute but I got it!
What a beautiful bird! My parents have a cockatoo! Wonderful pets, thanks for sharing!
It is an amazing release when you have no more secrets. The guilt is still a struggle for me! My daughter's teacher had that approach when no one would admit to tagging the desk in the back of the room. Wonderful approach to forgiveness!
Thanks Angie!
I too love dailyom and this one spoke to me as well! Thanks for sharing it!
I wasn't sure how to add the photos so I hope it all works.
Great insight into you! Thanks for sharing!
I'll be curious to see who's next... you have the most interesting dreams girl!