I am so sorry you are so scared of them. They are such amazing creatures. Haven't you ever watched Charlotte's Web? I am actually a nutty one that catches them and puts them outside to find their family!
What a sweet and loving gesture!
Too cool. What a great find!
So sad that such an amazing actor is no longer. So glad there is film so no one will forget.
I love this but have so more work to do!
Ah! sweet babies. Congrats. How did you get your picture to show? I copied the code and pasted it where I wanted but it only gave me the link. What did I do wrong?
I am still there and haven't noticed the slowness. Except today... they are down... but then I wasn't able to get onto mybloggers yesterday so I don't know...maybe it's me
That is great. I'm sure you are worth going to jail for
I must not be hanging in the right blogs. I am missing all the drama!
I think he is right to a point but only because I know many of my friends who vote based on their employment. My farm friends wanted Bush, my husband, a union member, wanted Gore. When discussed they went for bigger issues as well but bottom line, they were looking for someone that would aid them in their lives. I guess you pick the lesser of two evils when you vote. Which ever that one is.
Randy, you are so funny. I just had a vision of you in your proving your point. There is nothing better than proving you are right. Sorry about your daughter leaving. My heart goes out to you! I hate in when mine leaves for the weekend. Not looking forward to 8 years from now.
There are indeed too many Mary's in the world and I am/was one of them!
You are all in my prayers Mel and it doesn't sound strange at all. Many people have a gift or a curse in this case. When it involves knowing the future of your family, I can't imagine it would be easy.
Good things are going your way! I am so excited for you! Do celebrate the mini milestones... they are worth it and it will keep you going while you have to wait.