Bobbie Jo


Bobbie Jo
Sioux Falls, SD


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The World According To Gem!

Life & Events > Spiders!


There is not much in this world that “Truly” scares me… I can handle mice, rats, bees (even though I am deadly allergic to them) and even snakes. I was impressed at the zoo last year when we were allowed to hold one and I didn’t even flinch…(Okay, maybe a tiny flinch)
I find them slithering all over the farm in the summer – They go their way and I go mine… No biggie –

But as I have written about before (many times), Spiders scare me silly!!

MJ (5) has followed in mommy’s shoes and has a fear of Spiders that rivals any true arachnophobic!

Just the sight of one will send this gentle soul into a panic that lasts for hours.

A few months ago as he was lying in bed with me, Tigger’s tail happened to brush up against his bare leg. He screamed and started sobbing and kicking his feet… (Knocking Tigger to the floor once again) It took turning on the light, completely remaking the bed, and easily an hour of reassuring him that there was NO Spider, to calm him down enough to fall asleep (With mommy of course, there was NO CHANCE of getting him back in his own bed)

Surprisingly on April 1st he said to me “Mommy!!! There is a Spider on your Shirt!!” I of course jumped up and started doing the “OMG there is a SPIDER on me Dance”!!

“Where????? WHERE???”

Laughing hysterically he replies “APRIL FOOLS MOM!”

I pretend to laugh and let him think this is soooooo funny, while on the outside I am still shaking like a leaf and my heartbeat is 4 times the normal rate.
Throughout the evening this becomes a game, and each time I play my part while he laughs and laughs!!! - Oh the joys of being 5!!

I have no doubts whatsoever that one of my older son’s put MJ up to this, as I KNOW he didn’t even know it was “April Fools Day” – They of course adamantly denied it… Uh huh – Whatever –
Brad (17) got me with a flat tire story and Stephanie (19) “almost” got me when news that she was engaged…

April 1st turned into April 2nd and MJ tried the whole Spider on the shirt thing again… It took awhile for him to understand that ONLY on April 1st could we play these silly jokes on one another and that he had an entire year to go…

About an hour ago I am happily working on the computer when MJ comes up behind me and screams “Mommy!!! There is a Spider on your Shirt!!”

My first thoughts are… here we go again, when he starts pointing and screaming!!
Within seconds he is crying…
I again do the “OMG there is a SPIDER on me Dance”!! While my husband rushes over to “Help” –

The spider falls to the floor where I smash it with my Tennis Shoe, both MJ and I both peering down to make sure he is DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!

Now I am need of a bubble bath and a stiff drink!


posted on Apr 6, 2008 4:21 PM ()


I'm with you on this one...only time you hear me scream like a girl..
comment by elfie33 on Apr 10, 2008 12:12 PM ()
Charlotte's Web was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. It got me to see the value and beauty in spiders and what they produce -- webs -- but then one day I had a spider bite me and that sort of changed my point of view forever. I still like looking at spider webs but now I'm paranoid the spider that made the web is nearby and will come after me!
comment by mattguru18 on Apr 8, 2008 10:51 AM ()
I will have to remind him of the balloon factor next year
comment by fugzy on Apr 8, 2008 3:54 AM ()
I HATE them too!! I shiver & everything when I see them...I totally scream like a girl & do the kill it! kill it!! dance
comment by dkelly on Apr 7, 2008 8:12 PM ()
I hate them with a passaion!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 7, 2008 3:29 PM ()
I love spiders.I have the most amazing spider and web in the corner of my basement Reiki/craft room right now...Nobody is allowed to kill a spider in my house. I take a piece of paper and scoop it up and release it outside. But mice, on the other hand, I cannot handle.And like you, I've made my daughter terrified of mice by my reaction to one scurrying across the floor...still gives me shivers to think about it.
comment by janetk on Apr 7, 2008 9:15 AM ()
i know right!!!
comment by saraaanicoleee on Apr 7, 2008 8:10 AM ()
omg that is horrible lol i hate spiders too i do the spider dance at least once a day my Boyfriend thinks its funny!!! its

comment by saraaanicoleee on Apr 7, 2008 6:10 AM ()
I don't like spiders or snakes.
comment by texastar on Apr 7, 2008 6:03 AM ()
janetk loves spiders! they don't bother me at all. snakes will cause me to go in panic mode. and I am not overly fond of toads either.
comment by elkhound on Apr 7, 2008 5:03 AM ()
The snakes are much higher on my list of fearful things!I have my house sprayed every six months for the pesky critter--spiders, that is, not snakes!
comment by angiedw on Apr 7, 2008 2:33 AM ()
Gem, you have a right to be afraid of spiders! They are evil... really. I wouldn't be afraid of them except that they are just awful. I think they come secretly in the night and crawl on me... There are a lot of them in our complex because they don't spray. I have to carry the spray with me when I go out. You should, too.
comment by sunlight on Apr 7, 2008 12:05 AM ()
I am so sorry you are so scared of them. They are such amazing creatures. Haven't you ever watched Charlotte's Web? I am actually a nutty one that catches them and puts them outside to find their family!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 6, 2008 9:10 PM ()
comment by strider333 on Apr 6, 2008 7:33 PM ()
OMG, I am terrified of spiders no matter how big or small. No kidding, after my hubby kills it I burst into tears. I won't even step on one cause it might jump on me. I just leave the room. My hubby tries to tell me they are more afraid of me than I am of them. BALONEY!!
comment by gapeach on Apr 6, 2008 6:31 PM ()
I hate spiders as well!!!
AND That picture is nasty!!!
I hope your heart rate goes back to normal soon....
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 6, 2008 5:17 PM ()
comment by artisticmind on Apr 6, 2008 4:36 PM ()

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