Well I guess it was bound to happen… And putting it off didn’t make it go away – (Well it works for some things...)
For over a year I have suffered daily headaches and found that reading was even getting tough. I starting holding paper’s/books further and further from my eyes and wondered why reading was starting to make me dizzy…
A few months ago I bought a pair of reading glasses from the pharmacy, and while they did indeed help, the headaches remained.
So finally… I made an appointment to see an Optometrist.
After eye charts, poking, prodding, numbing my eyeballs (umm ewww) and various other tests… he informed me that I was farsighted. (Ya think)?

My left eye is worse and has a stigmatism (Still not really sure what that means, but I’m not dying so I guess I’ll figure it out as I go) –
Then it was off to pick out frames. Marc was with me and had the time of his life watching me try all these different frames. Feelings of kicking him entered my mind only a time or two but I forgave him when he told me I was sexy in the pair I picked… (No I didn’t believe him, but the thought was there…) Not to mention they were the most expensive and he didn’t even blink! (No pun intended)
So my bifocals (minus that little line in the lenses) are ordered and should be here next week .
After all this the Doc comes out and informs me that while this prescription should be good for a few years, I was coming up on 40 and my eyesight would only worsen with age… (Wondering if I should burn him a copy of the Secret…)
So that’s it – You can now officially call me 4 eyes!

Happy Friday fellow greasers!
