Last night I went to Blogster for a visit and was shocked at how friggin slow it was. I did notice a blog called mybloggers no way...and so I decided to post in general as a reply. In all sincerity, in truth. It's still clunky over there?
posted on Apr 6, 2008 9:38 AM ()
I know... I went there recently myself to make one last post... the post that I'd moved here.
I stuck with blogster so long even as the new owners totally ignored all us who had been with blogster for ages, and were to frustratingly slow to make changes. And a lot of the "improvements" were not! A pox on them (although I still have a site over there.)
Better by far here
We moved because we couldn't take it anymore and all my friends are here.
To my dial-up, it's slow either place. It was just that nobody was holding down the fort over there.
Blogster didn't like me -- kept kicking me off. I love it here on MyBloggers!
Besides missing all you folks, that's one of the reasons I couldn't take it there anymore. Most of the time "the webpage could not be displayed" or it took forever to load (you should be so lucky to have dial-up service like moi!) Anyway, gawd bless them - it was nice while it lasted
I just went there about an hour ago to look up a birthday. I couldn't get on at all. It took me 4 tries and it kept giving me to a search page or a blank screen. It wouldn't load at all. I wasted about 30-40 minutes for 4 attempts! What a bunch that are running the place!
Yes, it's still slow. And the same connection problem happened to me just the other night. I thought it was just me. Hmm...guess I was wrong. Now I'm interested in the article you wrote about. Maybe I'll go and try to find it.
I am still there and haven't noticed the slowness. Except today... they are down... but then I wasn't able to get onto mybloggers yesterday so I don't know...maybe it's me
Talk about timing...blogster is down?
Jeez...I can't get on there now...either their down or they booted me?
sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow. And sometimes, a browser cannot open. The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy and can't establish a connection to the server
Slow as cold molasses.
I haven't been there in some time either...
Never looked back, never will!
I don't go over there. It is just way too slow.
I still have a few friends over there, so I was hoping to catch up on their blogs while I was visiting... I was able to respond to 4... (It took over 20 minutes to do -
You weren't kidding when you said it was slow.......... WOW! Makes me that much happier to be here!
Looks like most of the originals are here now. Many new names over there. This platform is the original blogster, so it's hard to understand how anybody who has experience there could find mybloggers difficult to use, but that is apparently the main complaint on that thread. Oh well, to each his (her) own....
I check it out now and then.
umm what is blogster i'm surprised it still exists
I haven't been there in awhile, I think I'll go take a look