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Its A New Life For Me

Life & Events > Relationships > Depressed


I am still depressed. I am even on anti depressants and it isn't helping. I can't imagine what I would be like without them though. I am already crying entirely too much. I need to move on but can't seem to figure out how yet. I guess this is my grieving process. Ending a 15 year relationship is not as easy as I thought. Thinking it was over before was just "thinking," knowing is entirely different. I haven't slept well in days. My mind just spins and does the what if thing. There is no what if... move on! I keep telling myself that but it isn't helping. My mom and friends keep reminding me of how unhappy I was, it isn't helping. I have taken on a project to reupholster my kitchen chairs, it isn't helping. My kids are home and very snuggly, and it isn't helping. Time is the only thing and that isn't helping. ARGH.. I think I have become a pirate or something. I start my job next Monday and am so sad that I have to go to my new boss and hand her a list of dates I can't be at work for because of mandatory court hearings. I am just sick about that. I have always had a great work ethic and that is something I would not do if it weren't mandated. I was able to change one of the dates due to orientation but the rest I have to do. My husband had a counseling appointment in town today and stopped by to help me with the tivo that quit working. I heard him talking to the woman on the phone saying "you will have to talk to my wife because I have an appointment." It choked me up.. I want to beg him to give me another try but, it won't help and I would look like a fool. I would do it in a heart beat but I want him to stay because he loves me and not out of guilt or a weak moment. I at least figured that out in this lovely process. I am learning to respect myself at least a little. I may get this yet! I will get it, I am just a little slow in the learning curve but tenacious.... and finally tired! Good night.

posted on Apr 8, 2008 11:09 PM ()


I couldn't have said it any better than Janet.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 9, 2008 2:48 PM ()
Oh, Tanya.First of all, you are not slow in the learning curve. As painful and rotten as this all feels, it *is* normal. You are grieving... much the way that we do when someone passes away...you're saying good bye to a fifteen year relationship and saying good bye to a part of your life and a part of yourself. When someone passes away, we wish for them back, even if we know that they had to die and *even* if death was merciful (ie. after a long illness)...we long for them and miss them...and that's what you're doing. You're longing for the good parts back, even though you know that this is necessary...even though you know that it's what you wanted on some level at some point. And it sucks...but it's part of the process.If it makes you feel any better, I still do that, too. How about if I give you some time and you give me some time and we just see each other through it.
comment by janetk on Apr 9, 2008 7:03 AM ()

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