Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Alfredo Thoughts

Life & Events > Tennis,heart Doctor,roof Problems.

Tennis,heart Doctor,roof Problems.

My day today.
Had my game of tennis at seven thirty.
Though my game was not quite off,but felt that something was not right.
It was my reflect.Was not working too well this morning.
Was not very happy with this.
But I can chalked this up,as a bad day.
We all have that.
Not sure what was happening.
Nevertheless we got creamed in the first set.
But we did come back in a tie breaker to win one.

Still all in all even though we won that one,was not too happy with it.
Time files.
Gotta run.
Need to take my shower.
Visit with the heart doctor.
I picked up Mike at work at ten.
He always try to come with me if he can make it.
Ten twenty,were in.
The usual weight,blood pressure etc.
Then came in the doc.
Keep in mind this was supposed to be a brief visit.
How are you?fine.
Any problems,chest congestin,shorten of breath?
No,but now and then as I walked up a flight of stairs,yes I do get some,but not often.
Dizzy ?no but lightheaded if I get up too fast.
Well this could be due to the medication.
Checked my heart.

Oh!let me back up some.
You will liked this.
I told the nurse and the doctor,before they touched me,
Did you washed your hands.
Of course I was joshing with them.
Both of them said,yes.
Thank you both.
All right check the heart .
All is well.The heart is beating.
Is this supposed to be funny?
Of course it is beating.
Now I remember a while back watching one of the talk show.
When a Dr.check your heart or anything.
They are supposed to do on the skin and not the clothing.
With clothes you have some rumbling with the matierals etc.
But did not say anything.
Should had.
Mike said,going straight home ?
Yea,might as well .Nothing is happening.
Oh!by the way,it was brief.
So on my way home.Stop at the post office to checked the box.No mail.Good.
Then the problem began.
Had to hit the bathroom fast,as I was holding for a while.
Then it hit me.The roof was leaking.
The ice backed up on the roof,had a melting day and then the water could not go anywhere but underneath the shingels.
Called Mike at work,which I hate to do.
But he need to come home and see what is happening.
Yep,a chunk of ice.
He is now on the roof,chopping away.
Thanks to the wonder storm that we had.
The leak stop for now.
Have to keep an eye on it.
That is my day and it is not over yet.
When does the fun come in.LOL.
Good afternoon,have a great weekend.
Whew!this is one of my longest.
Should had this in chapters.LOL

posted on Jan 14, 2011 11:32 AM ()


You are a great and loving person to us all.
comment by elderjane on Jan 16, 2011 4:40 AM ()
thanks Jerri.You also.How is Ted?Rex
reply by fredo on Jan 16, 2011 5:42 AM ()
I have ice problems, too. Major worry. It's because I never had a chance to clean out my gutters. Winter hit us too quickly. I need to have my annual check-up. Been having attacks of pleurisy lately. At least I hope that's it!
comment by solitaire on Jan 15, 2011 7:04 AM ()
sorry,to hear this.Not sure how much gutter work that you have there and think that you should get a cover for it to stopped it.
Some of the people around here take them down for the winter.
It gets tiresome to chopped the ice.
We had new ones installed.
The one that keeps the leaves and any debris.
Works out fine.
Maybe some muscule relaxor can help you with the pleruisy there?
Take care.Have a good weekend.
reply by fredo on Jan 15, 2011 8:08 AM ()
Interesting day! Some drama but not too much.
comment by redimpala on Jan 14, 2011 2:45 PM ()
your right.It was a mild one.
reply by fredo on Jan 14, 2011 3:33 PM ()
Glad all was okay at the doctors How long ago was your heart op? I remember you having it, got to have been about 4 years isn't it? You are certainly keeping well & healthy Just listen to your body when it tells you to sit down and rest a spell.
It is lucky that you caught the roof when you did - could have been a disaster!

comment by augusta on Jan 14, 2011 2:38 PM ()
This is my forth year.It will be in March.Yes,we got in time.
The good part of it as did not put in my blog was the leak was hitting the toilet bowl and did not cause any water damage.Just dripping along.
Mike did well.
reply by fredo on Jan 14, 2011 3:35 PM ()
Ah all the pleasures of winter in the north and/or owning a home--hope you had a scotch for me on the ice chunks Micharel was making!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 14, 2011 2:14 PM ()
He did a great job as always.No soctch,those days are over.
He drinks gin.We are not complaing living in the north.
This is the fun and the adventure there.
We loved New England.
reply by fredo on Jan 14, 2011 2:38 PM ()
Oh no! That ice in winter can be dreadful. This is not the kind of weather I would want to do roof repairs in! Hats off to Mike. He has more gumption than me.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 14, 2011 12:31 PM ()
He did good.Very good.
reply by fredo on Jan 14, 2011 1:24 PM ()
No chapters needed. Sorry your game was off but I am glad all is well with your heart! Sorry to hear about the roof as well, but it sounds like it was an easy fix??
P.S. You get up too early.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 14, 2011 11:36 AM ()
yes,we have been getting up at five in the morning for years.
Mike has to go to work early,and I want to have breakfast with him and see him off.I know a lot of people will stay in bed.But that is me and enjoyed it.I have not complain about this.Want to send him to work happy.
reply by fredo on Jan 14, 2011 1:26 PM ()

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