Woke up this morning and feeling fine. My neck pain quiet down. Everything is a postive sign. Looked at Mike this morning sayin how much I loved him. He looked at me sort of puzzle. What brought this one. When was the last time that I said this. Well cannot remember. Gave him a big hug. Probably think that something is wrong. He did.What's wrong? Nothing. I feel so relaxed and thanking for being alive. Never felt like this for some time. A nice feeling. Getting ready for the big football game tomorrow afternoon. New Patriot and New York Jet. The NFL commissioner says,no trash name calling. Good for him. Lets play football and enjoy the game. May get a light snow of sorts. The rest of the day will be quiet. Watching a movie later"The Town"that was filmed in Boston,MA I leave you with James Brown to entertain you.
posted on Jan 15, 2011 10:09 AM ()
We can never say, "I love you" too often.
Life is good. Living is better! I gotta root for the Bears. Jets too. Sorry.
Our dear Fredo, it's so good to hear that you are feeling so perky, not letting the weather get you down.
It is wonderful to wake up and feel so much love Good choice of music too, it makes you cheerful even when feeling down!
No this is the New England Pat.They are playing at four t hirty tomorrow afternoon.
Glad you are feeling well and thankful for Mike! You are mistaken though, the BIG game is tonight st 7:15. GO PACK GO!