Here it is Saturday Jan.7th.Mild with temp in the fifties.
Not much happening here in our quiet town or village of Epsom.
In one hour we are going to our neighbor for dinner.
We are have prime ribs.
Well most of you know that I am not too much fond of meat.
Depending what type it is.LOL.
I have not had this for now sure how many years that or did I ever had prime rib.
The neighbor is a meat salesman and knows the cut etc.of meat.
He will what the cooking method is there.
But let me tell you that I am going to indulge in this.
A fine cook that he is to boot.
I will give you more on this tomorrow and let you know how things made out.
Buffy,will be going to have his teeth cleaned Next Monday and also surgery on his moles.
He has quite a few.They called this old dogs mold.Hmmmm!!
He has a few under his chin that I do not like as he is scratching it or licking it and they are weeping.
He will be 13 soon and but he is still feisty and I will not give up on him.
He is not ready as of yet.

He is still our boy and we will take care of him till the end.
Many will say why?are you spending all of this money.
Why?he is family and will take care of him to the end.
I know that he has a couple of more years left in him.
He is our only child and one should not give up on this wonderful creature.
