Many,many years ago I took ballet lesson.
Why?first to learn about the craft.
Secondly to help improve my posture.
This help me a great deal.
Balance,which I need as one get older and seems to lose some.
Even took Tai Chi to help with the balance and meditation.
This also help me in my game of tennis.
When your running down the ball ,you need good balance.
Took ballet lesson when I was fifty.
Yes,fifty and had the time of my life.
Was the only male person at that time and time goes on we did picked up another male member.
Ballet helped me to look good and stand up straight etc.
You got the message on this.
Why am I saying all of this.
At my age seen many elderly hunching over or bending over or stoop shoulder.
I did not want to see this happen.
Not sure how all of this occur,supposed is the lack of calcium or bone disorder etc.
A dear friend of ours.A Psychiatrist name Don N.
Mike worked with him and this is how I got to know him.
Back and forth to our house and his.
A wonderful person.
Then all of a sudden we have not seen him for quite some time.
At that time Mike told me that he is retired.
As the years or some gone by and was at a Bread and Chocolate place having
English Breakfast tea.This is done after playing tennis.
Sitting down and enjoying our tea and saw this person coming in and really bend over.
I mean really bend.
Felt so sorry for this person,and did not see his face at all and on our way out did get a chance to see and shocked that I was it was the Psychiatrist Don N.
He was with his wife.
No,I did not go up to him and saying hello or whatever.
What do you say?I was still in shock about this.
Could not faced it.
Should have.Many weeks after that he dies.
He is better off.
Now and then I get this guilty trip that I should have gone up to him.
Not sure how he got this way.
I am sure many of you have seen this kind of helpless people.
One of many reason that I take supplement to help me not to bend over as much.
Walk tall,stand up straight an do not slouch.
Most women are educated on this,the male are not.
I study ballet for many years.
This helped me a lot and knowing that it also help Ms.Teal.
No slouching .
Andrea has arrived here.The rain of course.