Alfredo Rossi


Alfredo Rossi
Epsom, NH
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Alfredo Thoughts

Life & Events > We Are the Champion

We Are the Champion

Oh!all right.
This will be the last time for this.
What can I say.

What can I say?not much happening.
First my son Curt got the report back and we have negative.
But he does has pre cancer cells.
First to give up the smoking now or else this will kill him.
Still have not talk to him as my daughter keep me informed on his health.
So that is good news there.
My daughter from coming for a visit at the end of the month.Will spend some time with her.But most she will be visiting the grandchildren.School will be out.
Our little town of Gorham had a tornado touch down.
Heavy damages and no injuries.
This was Saturday.
Kept my eyes on the sky to see if anything going to happen in our area.
We have been very lucky of late.
Boston and surrounding town really got hit.
Noticed that mybloggers has been very quiet of late.
Now folks,tonight is the Boston Celtics and the LA.
It will be an late night.We are tied 1-1
Then after this series things will quiet down some.LOL
Good Afternoon and time for a spot of tea.

posted on June 8, 2010 11:51 AM ()


Hey fredo; hope everything is settling down for you now.
comment by susil on June 11, 2010 10:36 PM ()
Yes it has till the next grand slam.
reply by fredo on June 12, 2010 6:03 AM ()
Glad your son will be alright. You really did enjoy that tennis match!
comment by dragonflyby on June 11, 2010 7:42 AM ()
The match was awesome.Both the men and the women.
reply by fredo on June 11, 2010 11:55 AM ()
Fredo, where in GA does your daughter live? I'm in Augusta.
comment by gapeach on June 8, 2010 6:48 PM ()
those pre cancer would be called polyps ----doctor removes during colonoscopy inspection ---- our aussie girl gave it all she had at the tennis ---always next year we had a mini cyclone here last week that done some damage ---most unusual to have them in this neck of the woods ---also 2 earth tremors that just made a noise which is not that unusual ------my programs will return to normal today no more horse shite
comment by kevinshere on June 8, 2010 5:12 PM ()
Why is his bigger than hers???????????????????

Ah, family--glad he is okay and hope he does something about the smoking
comment by greatmartin on June 8, 2010 4:53 PM ()
Don't give up on him Fredo. This is probably a wake up call for h im.
comment by elderjane on June 8, 2010 2:29 PM ()
Oh!I will never give up on him.
reply by fredo on June 8, 2010 3:48 PM ()
I didn't know tornados could happen clear out where you are, Fredo. That's wonderful news about your son, I hope he does give up smoking, and that you and he will get together some time soon.
comment by troutbend on June 8, 2010 1:18 PM ()
we will at one time or another.Glad to see that he is on the mend.
But it will be some time before we get together.
reply by fredo on June 8, 2010 2:10 PM ()

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