Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Jobs & Careers > Physical Therapy and Release from Prison

Physical Therapy and Release from Prison

I have started physical therapy for my shoulder, I have rotator cuff tendinitis. Physical therapy is pure torture! But I was complimented for persevering yesterday even though I was almost in tears. I told the therapist I was not doing surgery and this HAS to work! The place I go to is great. They have all these torture machines, depending on your need. They are rather intimidating when you first walk in. Much like a medieval torture chamber I would imagine. The best part of therapy is at the end. They hook you up to this machine that gives electrical pulses to the area. That part always puts me to sleep. It was kind of hard to go to work afterwards though as my arm felt like one constant aching pain. I was told the therapy might take a while to work as the tendinitis is so bad. At least I didn't have a torn tendon!

Now for the release from prison! In November I was transferred to the customer service desk. This is not a place for anyone who is an optimist and likes people. You see the worse of humanity and they frequently cuss you out for no reason. I have grown to hate it. My schedule is horrible. Mostly nights, that's the 2 to 11 shift. And it's not even the same schedule every day. Some days it will be 11 to 8, then a 2 to 11, then an 8 to 5. So I am pretty much a zombie. I still have to get up at 6 every weekday to get Kota off to school. Yesterday one of our assistant managers came up to the service desk to use our computer and phone. I told her I missed her, she was my asst. mgr from jewelry. She looked at me and asked, do you want to go back to jewelry. I told her, don't tease me! She was serious however. One other person has left jewelry and another has moved to part time only. I told her I would get on my knees and beg if it was required. She giggled and said she just needed to getit okayed by our store manager. I hope this goes through!

Here are a few of my problems with working the service desk. If you ask 5 people how to handle something, you get 5 different answers. There is a 'rule book' but it seems no one follows it. I was told when the money center is closed that we can cash payroll checks for people. Yesterday I was 'talked to' for cashing a check. The money center person was only at lunch and I shouldn't have cashed the check. WTF??? We are not supposed to do returns totalling over $50 if the person does not have a receipt. But every time I have had one, the CSM's override it and approve it. I feel pretty much without any control there. The rules and training I received do not apply. And my co-workers? They are a bunch of crabby, no fun at all types! When I am at the desk and someone else is working with me, they just leave and wander the store. I was going to talk to our manager about it but if I am moving to jewelry that changes things. I am still going to talk to her and explain the difficulty of thisjob when everything you do gets overruled. And I am going to tell her how when I am working a customer will come up and say, oh good it's the nice one working! Excuse me but the title of our job is CUSTOMER SERVICE! I have had customers who have found me and commented on how I am moved all over the store. One day I might be door greater, cashier, jewelry or customer service. I am hoping and praying they move me back to jewelry. This job is sapping me of my friendliness.

posted on Jan 15, 2010 5:53 AM ()

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