Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > I'm Just Rolling Along

I'm Just Rolling Along

It's been a long time since I blogged, got kind of tired of it. But Kristy wants an update and who am I to deny such a wonderful MARRIED lady? lol
Work continues to be a stressor. I was denied being moved to jewelry. I was told at the time it was because I had attendance issues. I later found out, by an assistant manager, that had nothing to do with it. It was because they had approved a transfer from an associate at another walmart store. Turns out this new girl is not so good, wanders around all the time, calls out, etc. I am just biding my time and hopefully will return to jewelry some day.
I am learning to deal with the service desk and it's not as difficult as it once was. I am learning to not take anything personally. But seriously I want to look at these customers and just smack them around a little. LOL The latest scam is for them to steal the replacement toothbrush heads for the electric toothbrushes. They are about $22 a pack. So they steal two packs and then return them to get a gift card. They know our limit for returning something without a receipt is $50. It's very frustrating to know people are stealing and we can't do anything about it. However after bringing this situation to the manager's attention we have been told to deny returns on these items. They will just find something else to steal.
Kota is doing pretty good. He went through a rough spot where he just refused to do his homework and his grades started dropping. My personal thoughts are he was being pushed too hard. He was making all A's so the teacher kept giving him more challenging things. He must have thought that it didn't pay for him to get good grades if all he got in return was more work. He is back on track now and we are both eager for summer vacation! I went on a field trip with his class last week. We went to D.C. to the Smithsonian. It was pretty cool because we did not have to stay with his class, we all just went on our own. I think I could spend days in the Natural History museum! My favorite part though was the display of first lady's gowns. Just gorgeous! I had one minor panic attack. I think it was because I began to feel like a rat in a maze. Everything seemed to be set up in these big circles with people everywhere! I told kota that mommy needed a minute to regroup. He found me a bench and we rested for a minute. Then Kota lead the way outside for some fresh air.
My daughter and her boyfriend just bought their first house! It is so cute! I am very happy for both of them and amazed at their responsibility! At their age I was working and partying. My fridge usually had a six pack of beer in it and that was all. Unless my mom had stopped by with a care package.
We kicked stepson out a few months ago. He had quit paying rent and basically did nothing to help. But expected us to drive him to and from work after he blew up his jeep engine. He is now a soon to be dad. And I cringe inside everytime I think of it. He is living with his girlfriend and her whole family in a small trailer. He quit walmart to work at a pewter factory. It's better money for him which is good. I only hear from him when he needs something from me.
I have gained back all the weight I had lost. The doctor warned me I might gain it back due to the anti anxiety meds I am on. And that just really sucks. I haven't been able to do my walks as my feet are in such pain. It started a few months ago. I have tried different shoes, the orthotic inserts and now I am wearing crocs. Last night I bought one of those foot massager things. lol Putting off another doctor visit. Speaking of which, I gave up physical therapy for my shoulder tendonitis. My work schedule pretty much prevents me from doing it. I know I should put myself first but I really can't afford to lose my job. This economy totally sucks!
So that's my update, alot of craziness and just trying to get through this thing we call life.

posted on May 5, 2010 5:19 AM ()


Wow that was a great update! And I definitely feel like we have a lot of catching up to do. I'm thankful to Kristy for getting our butts in gear and coming back to our blogs!
comment by firststarisee on July 12, 2010 9:04 AM ()

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