Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Jobs & Careers > Comes Out of Hiding!

Comes Out of Hiding!

I am here dear blog friends, just been disenchanted with blogging. I am making an attempt back at blogging.
Dakota is doing quite well in school, almost straight A's! I couldn't be prouder of him. He seems to really enjoy school now and has some good friends in all grades at his elementary school. He has learned to ignore the name calling.
Work, wow work has been nuts! Although I really like the jewelry department there is still that one lady who causes so many problems. Our department manager is stepping down, she had enough of the bullshit. How her people get pulled to other departments and then she gets bitched at for work in her departments not being done. Well since she is stepping down there has been some concern over what happens to us. Yesterday I went to apply for an opening, a customer service manager position. The store manager happened to be in personnel while I was there and asked what position I was interested in. We chatted and then she dropped the bomb. She told me she had been thinking of putting me back up front. Immediately my stomach went into knots thinking of going back to a cashier. It would be a pay cut and probably hours cut as well.
I went back to jewelry and tried to work but was consumed with worry over my job. So I sought out the store manager and asked her to clarify what she said. Since I was the last one hired in jewelry I would have to be moved as they would keep our dept manager in that department. But... she wanted to make it as painless as possible and is transferring me to the service desk. It's a lateral move, no pay cut and still full time. Whew. So I started training yesterday. I already know how to do returns/exchanges as we do them in jewelry. The people seem like a good group to work with AND I will be away from that problem woman who wants to make everyone look bad in order for her to look good. I am quite relieved and dare I say excited about the move! Hopefully the drama quotient will go way down as well. LOL My co-workers are upset about losing me but it seems they are all looking to get transferred to other departments anyway.
Hubby is doing well, starting his busy winter season at the propane company. With me working the 2-11 shift mostly, he and Dakota come into the store during my dinner break to spend time with me. There are days that if he didn't come by, I wouldn't talk to him at all. But we are doing so much better financially. Even saving money for a change!
I am sorry for the long lapse in blogging but I will try to do better now.

posted on Nov 7, 2009 7:55 AM ()

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