It’s been a beautiful day today. Temps in the 70’s, a slight breeze…the sun
shining. Which is really good after all
the rain we got the last few days.
I’m sitting here by the window
watching some kids play tennis across the street…and laughing at the cats
playing in the front yard. It’s been a
nice day so far. I got up and fixed
brunch. Hearty enough to last till
tonight for supper, I fixed mini burgers, eggs, bacon, home fries and
Hubby is off to Nashville, to the Gun
and Knife show. He said something
before he left about buying a new gun…He’s been talking about it for weeks
since he saw their advertisement about the company coming to Nashville. Personally I don’t think he needs another
one…. but your not going to change his mind. *rolls eyes*
My son…well last I saw him, he was
knee deep into some sports show on the TV….every once in awhile he runs thru
the house to get something to eat and goes back into his cave…LOL
I got moms birthday present mailed
off, and got her flowers ordered. I
have Leadership class the day of her birthday so won’t be able to call her
until I get home that night. I did
tell her however that I was sending her something….but told her she couldn’t
open it until her birthday. Not sure
she will remember that…but we’ll see..LOL
I’m still got some of the crud…I’ve
been on antibiotics for a week but still don’t feel 100%…My head is still
funky, and I sound nasally? Not sure if
that’s a word…but that’s the only way I know how to explain it. LOL
Not much else is going on….Hope
everyone is having a nice Sunday…
Enjoyed reading about your Sunday!