First off I’m here to say I’m not complaining….I’m not….really. Well maybe just a tiny bit for personal reasons….*hysterical laughter*… ok…I feel a little better now….
Door talker was here today….bless his little flea bitten heart….and if that wasn’t bad enough he got into a stimulating conversation with crazy big boobies lady ( were talking triple KKK here people and she never….never wears a bra). I know he was talking to her because he was looking at her chest and not the door…major miracle. But if you saw this woman you would understand. I swear I’ve not ever seen anybody but her stand at my counter and literally pick her boobs up and set them on the counter. Scared the hell outta me the first time she did it….I thought she was gonna put my eye out with one of those things.
I am just about ready to pitch the phone out in the yard today. It’s rung about a zillion times, everybody and his brother has some sort of question they need answered. And to top that off were testing new testing software. Did I happen to mention it’s a pain the rear….well if I didn’t it is…and between that and the phone I think I may have to kick something.
Arrrrrrrrrrr computers are messing up…gotta run… I think I broke my toe…