I'm suppose to be in my Leadership class today. But I'm not
If I wasn't in class I should be a work. Well I'm not there either.
Instead I'm here at home, taking a much needed break from all of those things. I've had a headache since yesterday, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with all this weather were suppose to get today or the fact that my sinuses are still out of whack. But I'm tired so decided to take a day and just rest. I hate that I missed Leadership class but I wasn't up to walking all over another city all day and seeing how their city government worked. I know..I'm bad...I won't have any cookies later..
Today is my mom's 70th birthday. I tried calling her a few minutes ago but she didn't answer. On days like today I hate being so far away.
I hear thru the grapevine on Saturday Hobbes is having a party here in MyBloggerstown...and there will be Karaoke with me slated to sing. *laughs*

I'll send my apologies out now...just so you have no misunderstanding about my vocal stylings...if your ears start to bleed it's not my fault...honest..I was born with many talents (or so I was told) but singing isn't one of them.
I will bring some good ole cajun seasonings tho

and some really good Tennessee Barbecue..

Oh and of course some toys for all the pets that will be there..

and if it's warm enough I could bring the Water Ball and we could all have fun on the lake...

Can't wait for Saturday!!!