Dottie Riley


Dottie Riley
Brandon, FL
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Life & Events > Ok, Back to Every Day Stuff

Ok, Back to Every Day Stuff

The conference is over and it is back to everyday stuff. Since I've been back I took advantage of the 'calm after the storm' and put out my flotilla newsletter. It is a monthly and today is the 30th, so it was due! Fortunately, a lot of our flotilla members attended the conference so I had lots of photos to include.

I still don't have a photo of me receiving the national publications award, but the above photo was taken at the conference. The lovely young lady beside me is my son's widow, Annie, who drove up from Coco Beach to share the evening with me. Unfortunatley, this year they changed the order of presentations and I received the award in the afternoon rather than at the banquet, but that picture, when I get it, will be of me in uniform.

I love Annie to pieces. We stay in touch and I love seeing her. I know why Tod loved her. She is a truly wonderful and warm woman.

I have a newsletter to complete for VSA and then I am going to do some painting.Oh, I miss painting! Really need to get back to that. I have a lot of posts to catch uip on too!

posted on Sept 30, 2010 7:20 AM ()


Dottie, you look like mother and daughter. I was struck by the the likeness. You both look great in your finery.
comment by elderjane on Oct 1, 2010 6:52 AM ()
I will have to tell her that you said that! Yes, we had a great time. I don't own a dinner dress white uniform (what everyone else wears) and prefer to simply dress up. For one night at least, I can feel feminine and attractive.
reply by dragonflyby on Oct 1, 2010 8:38 AM ()
Nice picture, Dottie, I'm glad you had a good conference. I'm looking forward to seeing your next painting.
comment by troutbend on Sept 30, 2010 11:16 AM ()
So am I! My easel almost feels foreign to me. Sad, huh?
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 30, 2010 6:31 PM ()
you are one busy lady! I love this pic - you are both gorgeous!!!! Congrats on the award as well - can't wait to see the pic!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 30, 2010 10:46 AM ()
Yeas, I will post that picture too when someone sends me one.
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 30, 2010 6:32 PM ()
Great photo! Both of you look so nice all dressed up. You have the loveliest dimples. Make your whole face look as though it is happy. So nice the two of you have stayed close. I know that means a lot to both of you.
comment by redimpala on Sept 30, 2010 8:30 AM ()
I love her dearly. She is truly a wonderful woman.
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 30, 2010 6:33 PM ()
What a lovely picture. It is easy to tell that you are both having a wonderful time!
It is so nice that the two of you are able to share your love of Tod that way. In a way, it helps keep him with each of you.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 30, 2010 8:26 AM ()
I hope our relationship is strong enough to survive a new permanent man in her life- when she gets one. She just started dating again.
reply by dragonflyby on Sept 30, 2010 6:34 PM ()

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