Well, I finally finished scanning in and editing my manuscript. I first wrote this in 1994 (boy, do I hate admitting that!) and then lost the file. All I had was a faded dot matrix printed photocopy. I never had the time or the energy to rewrite the whole thing and OCR programs are finally good enough to 'read' that old Courier print.
I really don't write synopsis as well as I write books. Maybe A.J., who is expert at that sort of thing will write one for me. He has this wonderful way of condensing a whole book into a few paragraphs that makes them sound so very interesting!
It is longer than I thought. My word count tells me it is 100,500 long. I did not change the ending but I added a bit to it. Then, when I tried to print it out, my printer decided it did not want to work. (Sigh!) Well, I turned the whole dang thing into a PDF file and sent it to Staples to print. By Friday I will have a copy to mail out and a copy to keep.
That image does not directly relate to my story. It is a painting of a Kentucky road and that is its only link to my manuscript. The main events take place in Harland County, KY in 1971. I don't expect a publisher to like it. I just chose to turn it into a cover page for the manuscript for my own use. No publisher will ever see it.