I get to work on Friday and Boss Bitch is there. She says she needs to speak to me in private. When we are alone she starts ripping me a new one saying I have been closing early and leaving most of my work to do for her the next morning. That was the last straw. I said to her and I quote "F**k you, I quit." I told her how I do bust my ass for her and I close when the clock says closing time unless I have customers. The clock said closing time and no one was in the store. I also went on how I've been there four years and she passed me up for promotion for Goth Queen. I felt like it was a "girls only" club and I was sick of it. I even handed her my keys and told her I would be back for my last check. By the way I still have my job because she begged me profusely to stay. She apologized to me and said she would make it better for me there. I'm still looking for other work. I don't trust her.
On the home front, PD's beloved Grandmother (affectionately called Gramma)lapsed into a coma on Friday night. We got this call from PD's dad and he told us the bad news and he and mama were headed to California to be with her. They arrived on Sunday and Gramma passed away on Saturday evening. We are waiting to hear about funeral plans.
The only bright spot on Friday was that PD is #1 contender for a new job herself as a 911 dispatcher.
'nuff said