This is just a matter of opinion and not the opinion of mybloggers or anyone associated with mybloggers. This is my opinion and not to be taken as religious text. I'm just ranting about my belief in a higher power.
First of all, do I believe in a higher power? Yes and no. Yes I believe there is something that controls the balance of nature and the cosmos. Do I believe that this higher power has the personification of Allah, Jehovah, or the more popular moniker of God? I am not sure I can answer that without giving my reason first. I know the personification of evil has been given many names. For example: Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, and The Devil. Those are names we have come to fear since we were little kids. Yet why do we fear "the wrath of God?" This "God" is suppose to be a being of love and forgiveness. Why does he (or she) have to feel wrath? Yes there are jerks that do bad things and need to be punished. If God does exist why do rapists, murderers, and child molesters have the right to exist yet there are young children dying of cancer, AIDS, or hunger? Why does this omnipotent being allow crack whores to reproduce like rabbits yet cause the good people to have trouble conceiving just one? I've been told "it's God's will." What kind of God would allow bad things to happen to good people? I would like to know the answer. I have relatives that deal drugs, steal cars, break into homes, con little old ladies out of their life savings, and even molest young children. They are allowed to get away with this and they claim to speak the word of god. I even have a cousin that spouts the bible and got ordained a minister online for a few bucks. He's a thief and a corrupter of youth. He has a warrant for his arrest even.
I'm not trying to say there is no God because I don't know that myself. If you feel religion completes you, then embrace your belief and allow me mine. Don't let me bring you down. All I need is the love of my family and friends to make my life complete. I don't need a book to guide me. In my opinion, that certain book is a fairy tale. I believe there was a man called Jesus. History records his existence. I don't believe that he was the son of God. He was someone that was loved and feared by many. Because of that fear he was crucified by his own people. What kind of being would allow his own son to be sacrificed? The church and it's clergy spout fire and brimstone if you don't believe in the bible.
Again, this little rant is only my opinion. If you wish to comment feel free. Even tell me I'm full of shit if you want. Just don't try to change my mind.
'nuff said