I dedicate this post to AnnieL because her husband is a trucker. I think it takes a special person to drive tons of metal in dangerous conditions(snow, ice, rain, idiot drivers, etc.) The one thing that irks me is seeing their "trucker bombs" on the side of the freeways and other major highways. What are trucker bombs? They are any kind of bottle or jug(I've seen tons of Gatorade bottles)that truckers piss in then throw out the window. The Daily Show(aka that fake news show on Comedy Central hosted by Jon Stewart)did a report on trucker bombs in Oregon and Washington. That's how I got the name for them. Before I just called them "piss bottles" or litter. Annie, I hope JR isn't tossing bombs out the window. If he has to piss in a bottle I hope he has the decency to wait to toss it away at a garbage can.
'nuff said.