Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Cities & Towns > Being Kind to Tourists

Being Kind to Tourists

If you live in a community that is tourism based, you'll understand this post.
In the summer, they invade our peaceful community like locusts. They cause traffic jams. They allow their kids to roam free terrorizing local merchants. They don't clean after their pets. They cause noise pollution and car accidents by yapping on their cell phones. They are...tourists. You've seen the bumper stickers: "If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?" For the traffic jam causing, cell phone yapping, bratty kid, dog poop leaving ones mentioned above, I agree. Then at the same time we can't allow those bad apples to ruin the bunch. Not all tourists are bad. PD and I were once tourists before we fell in love with The Oregon Coast and moved here. We still play tourist every once in a while. Plus not all tourists are bad.
The reason I titled the post "Be Kind To Tourists" is that there are people in the community that bad mouth them. My friends that recently visited last month mentioned they overheard a cashier at a local grocery store bad mouthing tourists to another customer. The cashier forgot to mention the big reason our community survives...tourist dollars. These people spend money in our stores, restaurants, and hotels/motels. We need them. I would be out of a job without them and PD wouldn't have her new job (pending physical and psyche evaluation)as a 911 dispatcher if it weren't for tourists causing accidents.
'nuff said.

posted on Aug 5, 2008 8:38 AM ()


I kind of wish my little Mexican town would get some tourism. We might actually get a Burger King or McDonald's out of the deal. I'm too pessimistic to hope for an Outback. Great post!
comment by jerms on Aug 29, 2008 9:21 AM ()
We don't need tourists. The idiots who live here cause enough accidents.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 5, 2008 7:50 PM ()
As I was reading through your article on tourists, I was thinking exactly the conclusion you came to. They are the ones that inject some money into your economy. Now in my city we don't get them, but we don't need them. The residents here are getting pretty obnoxious. They used to be really nice, but I think that the hardships of life are getting to them.
comment by sunlight on Aug 5, 2008 3:39 PM ()
I always think how great it is that the tourists get to see how great it is where we live, and too bad for them they have to go back to the rat race, but the Safeway store is such a zoo during the summer with them there buying their week's worth of food, I try to avoid it.
comment by troutbend on Aug 5, 2008 1:51 PM ()
Do I ever know about tourists!!! When I was commuting into DC I would always get soooo irate with them - they have NO IDEA what the rules of the metro are... they block everything being in their crowds of 20,000 with matching t-shirts... man I don't miss the metro...
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 5, 2008 11:46 AM ()
From my every trip to Eurasia I remember at least one person being kind to my wife and me. Each instance could brighten a whole trip.
Israelis are notoriously rude to tourists. When I migrated here, I vowed to be kind to tourists. Here, they are meek little lambs in awe of the place. After 25 years, I still can't believe I live here.
comment by bumpedoff on Aug 5, 2008 10:31 AM ()

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