There are some men whose facial features are defined by facial hair. For example: My dad and my uncle would look weird if they didn't have it (Dad has a mustache and Unc has a full Beard.) My dad keeps threatening to shave it because it has some gray and he thinks it looks like a bird shit on his upper lip. He's had that thing since I was a little kid (that's a long time.) He doesn't because he's afraid he'll scare the grandkids. I, on the other hand, have grown a goatee on occasion yet shave it off when it gets too itchy. PD says I look good with one. Even certain celebrities are defined by their facial hair. Both Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds have been defined by their staches and both look funny without them. Same with former wrestler Hulk Hogan. When his famous handlebar mustache was shaved off in a stunt, he looked plain weird. Porn star Ron Jeremy is the reason that the style he wears his mustache is called "the pornstache." (the same style Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck wore in their early careers.) David Crosby's stache defines his character (and makes him look like a walrus.) Military men should just not try to grow a stache because military regulations don't allow facial hair on the upper lip past the corners of the mouth (when I was in the Air Force, I called the look "The Hitler".) They can't grow beards or goatees unless on leave. Blond men shouldn't even try either to grow facial hair unless you are either very tan or have a darker blond facial hair. Same goes with older men with white hair. The reason I say that is the facial hair is wasted because you have to be really close to notice it. Also men who smoke shouldn't have facial hair because the smoke lingers in there longer. I saw a dude with a full beard exhaling that last bit of smoke before entering my store and the smoke was still lingering in his beard for several minutes. Plus part of the hair on his upper lip was discolored from the years of smoking. It was a dingy yellow in contrast to his gray beard. My whole point to this post is to say if you wear facial hair, make sure it brings out your inner character. If people say it looks cool, keep it (unless it drives you crazy.) If you like it, keep it. Don't grow one if you have doubts or can't imagine yourself with one.
'nuff said.