I have been thinking about Big Richard and wondering about how he faired out after the devastating blow Hurricane Ike made on Texas. So, it came as a big relief when I received an email from a friend of his. The email states that he says he is ok and wants to say hi to everybody. There is a lot of damage around him and he is without power, but he is definitely ok.
His friend said she had finally reached him by phone and was able to speak with him briefly. She said he seemed to be in good spirits, was planning on sticking close to home, and that he requested that she reach me so that I could let everybody know that he is ok and wishing the same for everyone.
It's good to know that, in spite of all the damage around him, that he wasn't injured in any way or driven out of his home. I can only wish that things around him will improve quickly so that he, himself, will be able to share his messages and great stories again with us soon.
Let's keep Richard in our thoughts and prayers.