First, let me tell you that my boss is doing just fine! He was released from the hospital last Thursday and, except for being easily tired out from little exercise or exertion, he is feeling, as he says, "I'm feeling great! I just get out of breath, that's all!" He'll be seeing his doctor sometime next week for an evaluation, but there's no reason to think that he won't get a good one.
As for the job, I seem to have settled right in and I like it! All that apprehension was unnecessary. I go in and out of the office as needed, which I always seem to know when it's necessary or sense that it may be (and I'm always right), so I don't have to be there all day long every day. All the paperwork is current, all the inspections have been done or are on the schedule to be done, and everything that needed filing has been filed. (This last thing thrills my co-worker because he hates to file, so he loves not seeing a pile on top of the filing cabinet.) Oh, and I even tidied up the place...you know, added that female cleaning touch, so there are no more paper clips and staples all over the rug or coffee cup rings on the desks.
I guess I like the job enough that I have no complaints what-so-ever about it, except that I know it is only temporary. But, that's good news in a way because that means my boss is well enough to return to "all things as usual". Exactly when that will be, no one knows yet. I'll be happy when he can take over again, but I'm also happy to stay on the job for as long as it's needed.