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And Women Are From Venus

Life & Events > ¿Nuestro (Our) Casa?

¿Nuestro (Our) Casa?

¿Nuestro (our)

Greetings to my fellow Greasers! I want you to know that I'm happy to be a Greaser too! I see John has been posting like crazy. He is a lot better at these things than I am. From his last post you can get an idea of some of the things we've been doing lately. I thought I would have tons of extra time right now because of taking a semester off from school, but that hasn't been the case. Between trying to spend time with my disabled son, my daughter and grandchildren, and getting my great craft room organized here, that just has not been the case. My daughter is expecting again; a girl this time!!! I finally get to use my pink yarn. Not that I mind boys. I am crazy about my little grandsons.

As for the feminization of the "castle," I enjoy every moment of it. I have a lot of "stuff" I have collected over the years and it is nice to have a larger home to put it in. I know that John couldn't tell you half of what my stuff is, but he has been a really good sport about hauling all my "treasures" in here. My craft room has tons of storage space. It is perfect! I am into knitting, crocheting, rughooking, dollmaking, beading, drawing, painting, scrapbooking. stamping, sewing, cross-stitching, photography and a few other hobbies that aren't coming to mind right now. These hobbies take lots of supplies as I am sure many of you are aware of. I got into hobbying as a way of dealing with depression over the years to kind of refocus my mind. It works to a certain extent.

I will be starting classes again in the middle of March with the semester ending the very beginning of July. This will work out great because it gives me most of July and August off before going back to classes in September. I registered for four classes. I am studying for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Development with a Major in Psychology and a Minor in Gerontology. John has a Master's Degree in Psychology so as you can imagine, we have some very interesting debates. LOL John and I are hoping to take the camper up to the Rochester area this summer and spend some time with my family but I think that is a little early to be thinking about right now. We have snow on the ground again.

posted on Feb 13, 2008 2:35 PM ()


Welcome! JOhn has been one of my friends since we left the other place! Glad to have you here!
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 15, 2008 8:58 AM ()
Wow, Donna! What a great post! I'm glad you're there to keep John in line! Ahh, love, isn't it wonderful? You two are perfect!
comment by sunlight on Feb 13, 2008 11:53 PM ()
comment by strider333 on Feb 13, 2008 5:09 PM ()
We never debate. She tells me how it is and I say "yes dear".
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 13, 2008 4:50 PM ()
yea,your right.It does not sound good as I thought.
Trying to keep up with the youngun with their abbreviation of this
Like r u k
comment by fredo on Feb 13, 2008 4:46 PM ()
Welcome,beingb a greaser.
You look like you will be a busy sort there.
Snow,we have plenty.
Happy VD day.
I am giving away free snow and free shipping.
comment by fredo on Feb 13, 2008 2:54 PM ()
I am glad you are a Greaser as well!!
comment by eddie on Feb 13, 2008 2:39 PM ()

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