I finished up another semester of school yesterday. Yesss! I am so glad I can do something else for a awhile. When I'm in school full-time it seems like it just consumes me. When I first started school I really looked forward to each semester and the fun and challenge of learning new things. Lately, I struggle with focus and concentration. I just feel like I want to be doing other things. Sometimes I feel like I am just tired of school, but I have about another year and a half worth of classes to go. Mind you I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as my Bachelor's Degree is concerned, but at times I think that starting on such an endeavor in one's late 40's is a lot more challenging that doing so in one's 20's. This is in spite of what they are saying that there really is becoming no normative age for attending college these days. People are doing so at all ages and stages of life. Many individuals are opting to change careers at midlife by going back to school to retrain in totally different areas. That new degree gets them a new occupation along with a whole new outlook on life. Sounds better than that midlife crisis thing, doesn't it? Which by the way is said to be a big myth anyways according to my Human Development studies.
Back to the topic of being weary with school. I know I will keep plugging along and keep my eyes on the prize. I know I am going all the way because I told myself that from the beginning. I want to set an example for my daughter and grandchildren so they know they can do this too. No one in my family has ever gotten a college degree, which I think is terrible. I decided many years ago that this was one generational tradition that needed to be blasted to pieces as in shattered, shot to hell, no, actually just blow it up an atom bomb. My mother is a very intelligent woman. I think what a shame it is that she never went to college when I think of all that I have learned, I realize all that she has missed. Even my own brother and sisters do not know what an opportunity they have missed out on. So it has taken me half a century, but I am doing it, with struggles, but I am doing it. I feel good. I guess that's what I wanted to say in a round about way.
Okay, speaking of doing other things besides school work and talking about school work, I did something productive plus a bit of goofing off. I will show you the productive aspect first. I have been working on a little Christmas gift for my 9-month old granddaughter. I just got it finished last night about 2 am. Here are a few pics.

This is the front. All you knitters can get the free pattern here. Click here
And here is the back view. This shrug should help to keep her arms and back warm when she is rolling around on the floor. Next I would like to make a baby blanket for my nephew's baby. He and his wife are expecting a little boy in February.

Now for the goofing off. Yesterday the weather man promised us some significant snowfall. So John, being the responsible, steady guy that he is was on the alert ready, watching, and armed with his snow shovel throughout the day. He finally decided it was time to go at it after dinner when it had gotten dark. He was out there quite awhile. I popped my head out the door once to ask if he had made it into town yet. LOL Nope, he was still at it. There was about 5 or 6 inches and the driveway is fairly long. He finally made it back inside to the couch and within a few minutes here is how I found him.

Well, I added the "hat" for a bit of a "character" effect. That's all for now folks. But since I am out of school for now I will probably be around more goofing off. As I said I plan to do more knitting and fun creative type things during my vacation. I may get in some non-academic reading. There are some things John would like me to do too, but we'll have to see about those. I really do like MyBloggers, I just don't have much time when I am in school! I hope you are all ready for Christmas. Have a great one.
Have a wonderful Christmas with John and your family!!