He Lost his Tail Today
Today was the day folks. John and I had several things to do in town and one of them turned out to be going to the hair stylist at Studio 10. She was very nice and her name turned out to be Donna too. She took her time on John's haircut. I really like how it turned out. She did it in layers and left it collar length as you can see. I am sure you will hear John's opinion on his blog. I think the new look is quite nice on him.

The Before Pic

The After Pic

Could this be Remorse?
Now all I have to do is talk him into the idea of having my hair shorter. I have had hair way down my back for years now. I have played with the idea of getting it cut short at different times over the years. Right now I have a more practical reason for cutting it. I have calcium deposits in my right shoulder joint which cause me a great deal of pain and limit the range of motion in that arm. It is getting more and more difficult to wash and take care of all this hair. Now John is a very good guy. Since he loves the hair and wants the hair he will brush it for me and has offered to wash it and even color it for me. I am very appreciative of this too, but I really do not want to be dependent upon someone else for my personal care. So we have one down, one to go on the hair front.
We have lots of bright, wonderful sunshine here today which makes me feel great even though the high temp has only been about 55 degrees. I had to see the vampires this morning at the hospital to get my blood drawn and then a stop at the bank. Then we went to the local charity shop and spent time rummaging through the bins of clothes. You can get a pretty good sized bag for 5 bucks, although the main reason for going was to get leftovers for dog crate bedding. I found several pairs of shorts and t-shirts for John, some sandals and an outfit for myself. John also found himself a cap. Now John will believe everything balances out from that new pair of jeans I just bought online. Well they were half price! And the shipping was only $1.99! And since I have lost all this weight I don't have a thing that fits me! Okay, I'm done! All in all it was a very good morning.