Key Dates - Future Scheduled Events
Event Date Event Description Room Time Presider Division Count
01/05/2009 JURY TRIAL
I am so happy that we will get a trial by jury for my Granddaughter.I want to watch this "monster" squirm in his seat.
I don't see how the jury can find him innocent when he was caught in bed by her Mother.He is a 43 year old man in bed with a 3 1/2 year old girl.Plus no relation to her.
He is a registered sexual offender and sexual predator since
1995.I don't know if this is admissible in the court proceedings.
He also has violated his probation four times now.He will never be "cured" of this horrible condition of preying on innocent children.
I know it's still almost 5 months away but I feel much better knowing we will get our day in court!!!!
I'll keep you posted.