Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Vb 6.0

Vb 6.0

Anybody that knows me (or has at least read my blogs) knows I just basically write what I am thinking. It can be good or bad, funny or depressing. Boring or interesting. My blogs can piss you off, or make you love me.. lol. Point is.. I really have no agenda with my blogs. The only possible agenda is to just say what's on my mind.

See.. I had to make that mild "disclaimer", because I know this blog will be boring to most.. lol.


I've decided to learn another "computer programming language". I've mentioned before I am fluent in many puter languages. C/C++ has always been my strong point. That's a very powerful language really. Actually, it's the best. The problem with C/C++ is it's very complex. You can do almost anything with it, but everything is not so simple unless you have a great 3rd party graphic (or for whatever your doing)library. Those (good ones) cost money. Hell even the makers of some top video games you play (Written in C/C++) License graphic libraries, game engines, and such from other companies. It's like.. "C/C++" is GREAT, but has downsides as well.

When I began to program, I first learned "BASIC A", also "GW BASIC" (Which is basically the same). I then learned "QBasic", which was better, but not what I was looking for. I found.. "Basic" meant what it said.. lol. It was Basic. You could write some "nice/decent" things, but it really had no power. You couldn't do what you really wanted.

I moved on and learned other languages. I soon found "C/C++" the best. Actually, Microsoft Windows is even programmed in C++. So yes it's great. And in many ways. So.. I then decided never to program in "Basic" again....

That was then, now is now. Computers are FAR faster today. Basic was extremely slow a decade ago. With computer speeds now, it's highly unlikely you can tell the difference between a "Visual Basic program, or a Visual C++" program (They all use a visual layout now for stuff, but still require coding).

Right now... for the average, or even small company "Visual Basic" should be the language of choice. Programs can be made FAR faster in VB, there is an enormous amount of things you may need on the net for it, and as far as programming languages it's one of the easier to learn.

Now.. lol.. if you have 100 employee's, millions of dollars invested and working on the next "World of Warcraft".. I'd say stick to your C/C++ and the Assembly language you throw in. For the rest, I truely believe Visual Basic will do just fine.

I've been playing with it. Making stupid sample programs to basically test the ease, and learn all the functions. I have the "Visual Basic 6.0 Professional" complier. So I should be able to do anything once I learn it. I'd say I'll put out some simple programs in a few months for you to try (I already have programming experience, so I doubt it will take long to get hang of). By this time next year, I do hope to have some cool stuff out.

Ok, again.. just saying what I am thinking.
Take care, Gary

posted on Sept 4, 2008 7:09 PM ()


You're a smart guy gary...
comment by strider333 on Sept 5, 2008 10:53 PM ()
Do you think/would you incorporate this into your business in any way and how would you use it?
comment by lynnie on Sept 5, 2008 8:30 PM ()

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