Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Online Games

You just don't know how happy I am to have DSL, and both computers hooked to it. It's great, I can be online all day long basically, and even use my home phone. Never had it this good before :)

I get a great deal of computer time now. Roxi goes to work through the week. I watch Sebastian. My work is on weekends, so I have the entire weekdays here. Sure, I cook, clean, cut some orders at times.. but it's basically freedom to come and go on the computer as I want. What I mainly like about this setup is... basically when the kids get home, and she gets home.. we all had to fight for the computer. Now it's simple, nobody touches mine because it has alot of business stuff. They could mess it up. Roxann can use hers whenever she wants, she limits their internet time anyway. So anyway, it's cool.

I've always been big into video games. I grew up with the Atari 2600, and had most every system since. I even used to program video games (That's been awhile, but I want to get back into it). Right now, I am getting into the FREE MMORPG. Huge online Roleplay games that hundreds of thousands play at once. In case you want to try them sometime, I'll list some of my top favorites. Allthough these are free, they are as good (some better) then most released subscription fee games.

These few here are "excellent" and all from the same company:

SHAIYA - A massive and beautiful good vs. evil RPG - my personal favorite. The look will remind you of Diablo, but far prettier.

LAST CHAOS - Pretty much the same as Shaiya, but Shaiya is more graphical and runs smoother. Both great still.

12SKY - Alot like the other two, but instead of "Warriors, Assasins" and such, it's martial arts based characters.

PROJECT TORQUE - This is a multi player racing game. It's a blast to test your racing skills against real human opponents. Looks great, and runs smooth.

I don't have the address for the next game, but you can do a search and easily find it.

ANGELS ONLINE - This is a massive MMO, like the others but the characters are more hand drawn then rendered. It reminds me of the old RPG's I used to play (Like the early Fantasy Star games). The graphics are better, game runs smooth.. and it's pretty fun.

And last but not least...

RUNESCAPE - This is a great Online RPG that's been around a very long time. It's Browser based (no long downloads on this one). It won't fill your HD up. I prefer the others, but this is cool too.

Most all of the above games are huge downloads. Expect (even with DSL) download time to take all night. They are 900+ MB, and add a few more hundred MB in updates before you start the game. To me worth it.

Ok, that's my thoughts for now,

posted on Sept 4, 2008 1:44 PM ()

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