Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Our Weekend

Our Weekend

Program I'm working on.. simple calculator

Roxann hasn't been feeling well lately, neither have I. I have had massive cramps (tear making cramps) for days, Sebastian has a cold, Roxann has been sick. Partially due to a dental problem, partially due to the meds she got. Stephen (her oldest son) sprained his leg.. so.. lol.. we decided to just stay home this weekend.

Some "Bills" and chit came in, and it was realized we are kinda "fucked" (what else is new.. lol). We really should have found a show for me to do. Danny wanted me in "Midland". It would have been decent I think, but not really feasable right now. We have only one vehicle road ready now, and Roxann would need it if I did the show. I had no place to stay there, besides a motel... and when you add show fee's, gas, food, supplies, all the other.. I would have to make about $400 or more before I made a penny. We decided to skip that.

But now, these bills came in. We are broke! I suggested we do the "Flea Market" tomorrow. We may or may not. Sometimes we do well there, sometimes it's "Horrid",, lol. I'll let Roxann decide. Usually it's good for something. I could care less. We'll go or we won't...

So basically this is what I've been doing. I am determined to learn/master "Visual Basic 6.0". I've mentioned before, I already program in many other languages. That means, getting the hang of this is "going fast", as all computer languages have similar traits.

I have made a "Calculator" program (not quite finished, but close). It doesn't do much more then your basic Windows calculator (well a few things), but looks better I think. I kinda wanted to start with something like this, to "learn as I go". I'd say, right now.. there are 3 or 4 things I am un-certain how to code. The shell, the graphics, most everything else is done. Once I figure out a few more things, I'll make it a free program for anyone.

It probably won't take long to figure out the parts I don't know. Once I do, I may add a few more features. Making this, basically is just helping me "adjust" to a new puter language. Nothing more. I do however (at the least), want my calculator to look better then that "included" piece of crap that comes with Windows.. lol.

So anyway, if you have any suggestions what to include in a "calculator" program.. let me know. The pic above shows the progress so far...

PS.. Don't think I can't program some "Kewl chit".. lol. I can. I have, and can do alot. Again, this is me learning a new language. Been at it 3 days now :)

Laterz, Gary

posted on Sept 6, 2008 6:47 PM ()


very cool Gary! can you make me a program to keep track of my checking account? I used to do it with excel but I don't have that on this computer.
comment by elkhound on Sept 8, 2008 5:14 AM ()
Update.. I won't write a whole new blog on this, as I know it's boring to you. Anyway.. the calculator now has most functions. The +,-, /, x and such all work. It displays right. I still need to get some buttons working, and think of things to add. I'm just happy I got this far this quick. I niow know I'll be writing some cool (more eloborate) programs soon.
comment by coincutter on Sept 7, 2008 5:31 PM ()

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