Well, not many of you will like this blog, or even what I have to say. But true as my nature, I will say what I think.
This blog was "inspired" by something Kristy wrote.
Ok.. I am a MAN. I admit I have "perverted" thoughts. I've had dreams, or fantasied... about having a "toy" (sex toy) I could use whenever. Pull her outta the box, and do all I couldn't in real life.
However, in fantasy.. that's "ok" (to me). In real life "complete un-acceptable". A real thinking man, would think about "her thoughts", realize it's wrong. I actually believe, 99% of the men have a fantasy like this now and then. 99% don't react on it. Which they shouldn't. Some things in your "head" keep there.
Anyway, there is a 1% of people that would react on a fantasy. I am talking people like "Bundy", "Gacy", "Dahmer" or whatever.
Most of them blame "porn". I personally don't. I personally think, no matter how much sex they see online.. something DEEPER was already there. Porn didn't do it, something else was in there head. Porn may have "exasperated" it "FOR THEM" but I don't believe that happens to the normal thinking person.
I think. Anyone can get addicted to anything. It could be porn, beer, cocaine, whatever. Makes you want more. Can lead to more.. I got that...
What I don't get, is "why ban porn" completely. It's a natural thing for a man want to see naked women. Women want to see men (just not as much).
So if you ban porn completely,, thousands (millions of thousands) of men are sitting there more sexually frustrated. Hey, I am no porn freek. But I do wack to it once in awhile. I even talk my lady into some wild things now and then. I am NOT sexually frustrated. And no, I won't be abducting anyone.
So here is the "question"? Does "porn on the market, on the internet" make things worse? Does it make men want to abduct women more? Does it create an "outlet" for the average man to have some "gratification"? Lots of Catholic Priests having sex with young boys.. does their "lack" of sexual experience cause this more? I don't know really... all I know is how I feel.
Well here is how I live. I am pretty in touch with my sexuality. I will look at porn now and then. Not obsessed. Sometimes I want a "wild tied up night" with my mate. Not obsessed. I have no "frustration".. I live pretty free.
Personally, I wouldn't ban porn. I would create some "greater restrictions" on it. Women are forced all over the world to do stuff. Let's stop that. Not porn in itself. Make it safe for the willing... Get those forced away.
Anyway, done now. Take care.. Gary :)