Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Flipped Out on Them

Flipped Out on Them

I flipped out on them. Actually I don't "flip out" about anything. Just I had some things to say, and said it all in a "very strong way". I wanted "them" to know I was "very serious" about all I said. I knew what I was doing. Had them all in tears in the end.

Here is the thing. Roxann's kids "Jeremy 15, and Stephen", really don't do shit around here. I can ask them 3-4 days in a row to do a simple thing. Mow the lawn, do dishes, whatever. They completely ignore me. Or make sure they leave (often with disrespectful remarks), so I am not around to say again. Both Roxann and I work "constant", they can do something to help.

Here is my perspective on the thing. They grew up with a "single mom", they ran the house while she worked. They never learned to to do even basic stuff. Stephen (17) won't even shower for weeks. They are "positively" the most "DIRTY" people I ever met. They have NO skills (yet Jeremy is good at woodwork), failing in school. Asking them "anything" they whine and complain. Yet, they always ask for the "food" or whatever they want to do.

I am "NOT!!!" the only one saying this. I hear from the neighbors. Her parents. My dad who came up from Florida. Jeremy says "Stephen" has no friends in school. They all tease him because he smells. Hell, I do too (I don't tease, but tell him what will happen)... because he does. Everyone I ever met, is complete "upset" at how they are. And to tell the truth, I AGREE! That's why I am down on them alot.

I am kinda "stuck in the middle" to tell the truth. I'm the one here, when her parents come over, when my dad comes over, when I hear from the neighbors. Plus.. I rent from her (Roxann's parents). I'm stuck..

I can go "either way". That's my nature. I can turn into the "biggest ass" anyone met, or be the "coolest guy they met too". With her kids, I am walking on thin ice.

What I "try" to do with her kids.. is be cool. Just "ask" for the help. Try to "explain" what needs to be done, and why it's important. I do that "over and over" weeks on end.

So what generally happens. "I flip out". At some point, I will. I try to keep it all cool, but I promise this. WHEN I become SUPER upset.. no stopping me! I honestly don't think there is a "person or thing" in this world.. that would stop me when I was in that sense.

Sure, Jeremy says "he hates me now". Stephen will run away. I tell them, I don't give a "flying fuck" what you do! LEAVE if you want! I don't care if you hate me! Jeremy drew up his fists, I said "go for it!!".. see how I will react. He backed down.

Well when it was all over (for today).. both got out and did what was asked. I don't understand, why we even gotta go through this. They really aren't asked to do much. They need to help out, and would only take 1 hour a day from their game playing.

I have NO regrets on how I reacted. The only thing I didn't like was this. Jeremy has had his friend "Wyatt" over. He was supposed to spend the night. Roxann told him earlier he could. Jeremy "tried" to make him stay, said MOM SAID. I said "Guess what".. I PROMISE Wyatt, will not be here tonight. "But MOM said" (he says).. I said.. I am SAYING DIFFERENT. "He won't be here"!!!

When Roxann told Jeremy, Wyatt could stay. This was way before her kids gave me all the problems. I wasn't against Wyatt at all. But I was her kids. If they don't listen when a friend around, he won't be here to me.

Wyatt was crying his ass off. I told him (many times), this has NOTHING to do with you. Chill out! All were crying actually. Mostly him.. but the others too.

I think "Wyatt" actually has an "abusive" dad. So it hits a spot with him. I am not abusive, never hit.. and hardly yell. But I do have some points to make clear. I will! If I don't, and I hear a call from Stephen or Jeremy later in life.. I'll feel bad I didn't "get on their ass before". Right now, they'd be lucky to get a job there. I just don't want Wyatt to think anything is his fault.

Ok.. done with this for now. I just hope you can see where I am coming from.


posted on Sept 2, 2009 8:36 PM ()

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