You probably noticed I haven't been writng the past few days. Well, there has been ALOT going on.
The biggest reason. Roxann's son "Stephen", who is 17.. decided to use my computer and look at porn. He isn't allowed to use my computer, and certainly not for porn. Like my dad said (who was visiting from Florida).. I screwed up. I should've had it password protected. I didn't. I guess I got what I asked for.
He got a MAJOR virus. I couldn't get it out with any "anti-virus software". It actually went in, and destroyed my "hard drive". Now I don't care what anyone says. You can get them back.. but a major deal. Not even worth that. I ended up putting a new hard drive in. A complete format.. all new stuff. I am just so pissed. This cost us a "hundred" or so dollars.. not to mention losing all my pictures of Sebastian, music, games. Oh, I had tens of THOSANDS of stuff I lost for good. I now have a good working computer. Bigger hard drive. But nothing in it. That will take months.
Paul has been over all week. We made this little "tent city" in my back yard, and had a huge yard sale all week. Been tons of people here. Will be more tomorrow. I am talking people sleeping over (that we had to feed). Will be more tomorrow.. as my kids are coming here for awhile too. Been kinda cool. Big bon fires every night. Lots of people sitting around. Sales however are "ok", but nothing great.
So we've been staying up late. Last night.. they all decided to go to sleep. It was 4am. I decided to take a bath before I turned in. So I set up the tents with these little heaters. We all worried if it would blow the fuses. I basically said.. just use them if you need them.. keep them on 750 watts. Should be ok. So I made a sandwich, and got in the "tub". I figured I'd sit there and relax a few and eat.
Suddenly.. the lights went "out". I was there naked in the dark. I could hear Paul coming in the house yelling to contact me. I thought they blew a fuse.. so before he said a word I was like "trying to tell him where the fuse box is". He was like "NO GARY! WE HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM!! The tree is on fire, and there is a power cord down in the yard.
I said "How serious is it". He said,, the tree is on fire, and the power line is shooting sparks. How more serious can you get!! (I knew it was serious.. I just didn't know if it was a tiny tree or something, I was completely naked in the dark.. wanted to know how fast I needed to react. I mean I planned to react fast.. but I was naked.. wet.. I kinda wanted to dress. Till I realized I didn't have that kinda time.
I found my pants in the dark (put nothing else on). Dripping wet (freezing cold). Ran outside as quick as I could. Oh SHIT!! It was a 40 foot pine tree on fire. A powercord was broken in half. Half on the ground, the other laying on his truck.
Now the problem with this. One, it's a pine tree next to the house. That could go up in a flying second. Right next to the house, that could go up in a second too. The other.. the kids began waking. We have tons staying over. They don't know electrical powerlines can "jump", so if they even got close could be fried. Another.. if anyone tried to touch his truck.. they would be fried. It had a live electrical line on the hood. That could even ignite the gas tank.
I checked it out as fast as I could.. ran inside to wake "Roxann". I was like "Call 911" as fast as possible. We have a serious issue here.. I didn't have time to eloborate.. too much else to deal with. She called, didn't know what to say. Just she knows me. She knows if I say "it's an emergency", it is.
Two cop cars showed up quick. They made some calls.. and soon a big fire truck was there. Luckily, it was late. Moisture.. and the tree mostly went out before the firetrucks arrived.
Now it's like 5am (meaning when this happened). We had to call the Power company. The police asked we do it. There was still a huge danger with the lines. The firetrucks didn't leave till the Power company got here (for general safety). I stayed up.. put candles to see in the house.. and drank some beers. I figured if they needed to come in the house for anything, I best stay up. Sebastian was freeked with all the noise. So I was watching him too. I tried to take him out of his crib.. put him with Roxann (when she knew the danger was under control, she went back to bed). He wouldn't.. all the lights and sound. He stayed awake. Crying mostly.
About 7:30 am. And I been up all night. It was all fixed. The power got back on.. the cops and firetrucks gone. I only got a few hours sleep a night. For the last 2 nights actually. The other night was just staying awake, talking. Last night.. it WAS a serious emergency. I am SUPER EXHAUSTED.
It was a serious situation, that was solved. They had to replace the powerline. Nobody knows what happened. It wasn't windy or anything. It broke in the middle of the tree.
This brings me to a "thought". A serious one. This is why I try to "teach" her kids things. This is why I have to seem like an "ass at times". They just don't listen. Have no direction. And know NOTHING about the real world. They need to "learn" shit.. and like FAST. They can't shower (or won't), won't help out here. Can't drive.. failing school. Sorry to say.. they pretty much know nothing. I want that changed.
God Forbid.. what if Paul and I were "dead asleep" when this happened. He was almost in bed, said he heard something like fireworks. I was almost ready for bed too. Me.. I noticed a problem when we lost power. The point is.. we were awake. What if the kids noticed this while we were asleep? Decided to investigate? Had they even touched his truck.. they'd be dead. Had they accidental ran across a line.. DEAD! We were awake however, and both know how to handle it in a logical way. I know for a fact.. these kids couldn't. Despite being close to being adults. I am only an ASS to them, because I worry about them.
Anyway... that and alot of other stuff been going on. So I haven't written much.
Take care all, Gary :)