Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Partners


I usually write in about 4 senses.

"What I think about life", "What I plan", "What I did", and "Deep personal thoughts".

This one, is what I plan....

This weekend, we really didn't have a good show to do. Since I somewhat "partnered" with Paul, we are trying to do shows together. It's not like we are "really partners". I mean, he has his business I have mine. We have our own money. Just for many reasons we want to work together. We share booth spots, and go to the same places.

We are gonna do "Bay City" this weekend. Not a "high dollar" show. He will go "Friday, Sat, and Sun". I will only do "Sat and Sun". I see no reason to do Friday, but he needs any dollar he can make (so do I, but see nuffin there Friday). He can get us a good location, and I go in Saturday morning. We are liked and wanted there, we will get a good spot.

So I been packing. I guess, Saturday night I will stay in a tent. Inside their "canopy". Legally, you could have problems with this. I expect none like last time there. Once the cops come around, they just want to know what your doing. Technically against city law.. but they will let it slide. I'm an "extra eye" for all the other booths. Like the last show I mentioned, I kicked people off the area causing problems. This happens alot. All I expect from this one, is to survive another week. Not alot of money.

The following weekend, we were supposed to take off to "Indiana" for a month. Hit maybe 4 shows there. I talked to Paul the other day. He's having some problems. Money, vehicle, alot. So we decided not to go to "Indiana". All cool with me. I didn't want to go anyway. There is a Biker event we can do that weekend. Probably will.

Show wise, after that. I am not sure. I am sure we can do something every week. Plus he is getting a "permanent" store, and moving in this week. I already gave him some inventory.. but I need to give more.

Roxann's computer is DEAD! I checked it all, and I am 100% certain the motherboard is out. So now, we have been looking into a new "laptop" for her. We will get one soon. It will be her computer basically, but me and Paul can use it on weekends to process "credit card" orders through Paypal at the shows (weekends).

This is one thing I don't know about computers. If you have "insight" please let me know. We have DSL at home (through ATT). So we can use that there. We want the "cheapest possible" way to have "limited internet" access at the weekend shows (for credit card sales), but not a big bill. We are looking into it. But any suggestions would help.

Still working with her "kids".. long drawn out process, but making progress. Will keep ya updated.

Gary :)

posted on Sept 10, 2009 8:44 PM ()

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