I don't know "what" Roxann's son "Stephens" problem is.
I really don't...
The kid is "tall", probably good looking to most. He just won't.. and I mean "WON'T" take a shower! I don't get it.
This kid will go "weeks" at a time avoiding a shower. Even tonight, I said "Stephen, your head looks like a grease factory". You NEED a shower. Ok he said.. waited till I went to bed, to avoid the subject. He just won't shower.
He flat out doesn't want to hear what I have to say. It's not just me, it's like "everyone" saying it. He thinks it's something against him (it's not).
He is flat out "gross". He stinks!! I mean super bad. His younger brother tells us, "he has no friends", all say he "stinks". He does. When he comes in a room, you are very aware he is there.
I try to tell him nicely "Steve, you need to shower on a regular basis". Mostly I am ignored. I know he likes "pussy", hell I couldn't count the times I caught him checking out porn on my computer. The truth of the matter.. he thinks I am mean. But I seriously doubt he will get a "girlfriend", let alone get laid.
He is a "Sophomore" in school. Yet 17. Failed a few times. Failing now. He has no "skills", doesn't try to do anything. What he likes to do, is come home from school and watch cartoons. To get him to lift a "finger" for anything to help.. is near impossible.
Now you may think I am too "harsh" on him. No, I am not. He had no direction before I got here, and certainly he isn't listening now. Burger King for life (way I see it), and lucky if he gets that job. Almost an adult, and just wants to watch "sponge bob" all day. I am not even sure, his mental capacity is there.
He is smart enough to take a "shower" (yet refuses). Get some PUSSY dude!! Is what I think! I am on his "ass" about everything. Grades, hygiene, all that. He sits down, and watches the "basic" cartoons all day. You know those ones. The ones with the guy saying "How do you spell ""Hello"".. ".
He is not an "invalid", just acks like one. This kid serious needs to "grow up", or life will pass him bye in a second...