Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > My Diary (Third Entry) Sebastian Lee Ambrose

My Diary (Third Entry) Sebastian Lee Ambrose

Pic of me with "Kara". I was younger then.. Kara is "Dawn's (Butterfly on here) daughter. That was this summer.. when we went from MI to SD to visit.

Today, mom grabbed me outta of my crib. I was still half asleep. I was still "shaking my head" to wake up.. but I know "mom", when she is on a mission, no stopping her.

She says.. "Sebastian", we gotta wake up "Daddy"! (I think to myself.. oh fuck, dad is such a grump in the morning"..

Mom proceeds to "toss me" on dad... She says "wake him up "Sebastian"!!! I really don't want too, but I have too. So I crawl all over him.. I play the "tap tap tap" game on his head.. I pull his hair, and try to poke his eyes. If all that fails, I grab his mostache, or even sit on his face with my yet to be changed "poopy diaper"..

I'm good at what I do! Yep!! I know what wakes dad... but still I don't want him awake.. but I am stuck here.. cause mom forces this chit on me..

Dad's eyes finally open. He looks at me, with a big smile. Oh chit, I see it coming now.. he wants to kiss and hug me..

Dad has this really "pokey face". Don't get me wrong, but I have "Baby skin" still. Him kissing all over me, really roughs up my bod. Hey, ask any baby... Whiskers HURT!.. so do Mustaches.. I have to endure that for the next 20 minutes..

So then I hear mom saying. "Gary, you have to get outta bed.. I need to get you to work".. I have this family "Christmas" party I need to get too...

Oh my fluccking gawd... Did mom just say what I thought??!! A "FAMILY" Christmas party???!!!!

Do you know what it's like to be a "Baby" at a Christmas Party? Serious, do you?? Listen, every old toothless lady (and her grandkids) will be tossing me around. Kissing me.. bouncing me. I can't really complain to them.. I can't even talk. Jeez.. some have such bad breath (stink too.. and worse then my diapers)... I am like so "Stuck there"... Yes, I know I am cute.. but that doesn't give them the right to toss me around like a doll or something.

So,, mom got me ready. Now she thought I was crying so bad because she puts "more snow clothes on me then an eskimo".. That was part, but in reality.. I wanted to go to work with dad. Yeah.. sometimes dad is best, and this was a time. But no... dad didn't save me.. he went to work.. left me with all the "baby hogging leaches"... I had to deal with it... Grrrrrr....

Well.. we finally went to pick up dad from work... I had a big smile.. my arms wide open! I need to do that more to "Dad".. I don't wanna get stuck doing that "woman"chit again... I finally understand why "dad" tries to avoid it now...

posted on Dec 20, 2008 10:10 PM ()


its ok auntie kara still loves you
comment by karabeaer on Dec 24, 2008 11:24 PM ()
Merry Christmas Gary
comment by grumpy on Dec 23, 2008 3:27 PM ()
You cuss alot for a baby. Your Pops must be like mine.
comment by draco on Dec 22, 2008 5:24 AM ()
i'm sorry next time you call auntie dawn and i will try to get you out of having to go. but we all love you that is why we kiss and hug on you. tell that mommy or daddy of yours they need to post some new pictures of you.
love auntie dawn
comment by butterfly1969 on Dec 21, 2008 8:18 PM ()

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