Mom left for work early this morning. She always changes me before she goes, and puts me back to sleep. My brothers had the day off school.
Well, dad tries to sleep in when my brothers don't have school. Dad hardly gets to sleep in, and uses this time to his advantage. They are supposed to change me when I cry...
Things don't always work as planned. First, Jeremy noticed I had a "poopie diaper". He noticed it kinda fell off, and decided he wouldn't change it cause "poop" was all over the bed. Mom and dad have this rule, whoever see't it first changes me. He called bigger brother "Stephen" in to help.
Stephen said "NO"! I am not sure why, but Stephen determined "since" Jeremy found the dirty diaper first, he would not help. Jeremy just wanted his "help", and Stephen declined.
So.. well, my dad was awake. he doesn't tell my older brothers he listens to everything, but he does. He was in his bedroom.. getting MAD I think...
Jeremy goes in dad's room... Gawd damn, I so wish I could talk, cause I'd warn Jeremy NOT to do that... he went in...
GARY!!! SEBASTIAN pooped all over the BED.. I mean crap is everywhere!!! His diaper came off.. and I need you to help!!!
DAD SAYS!!!! Jeremy!!! You kids are so "disrespectful". It's a "diaper", anyone can change a diaper. Let me "Sleep in"!!! I'll be watching him all day (like everyday and changing him).
To me (Sebastian), it was fairly certain it would take awhile to get a clean diaper. I know how things work here. Stephen and Jeremy will fight (punching and all that).. Dad will try to sleep in, but he can't. He will lay there and finally "blow his top". Me, all I wanted was a "Diaper change"..
Dad finally gets up.. makes the brothers change me... then he is in a "pissed" off mood all day long. Thankfully not at me, all I did was poop...
I am always happy when dad wakes up though. He is always nice... only thing I really hate is his "pokey" face... I would kiss him like I do mom, but he will kiss me back. All those hairs on his face kinda stab me...
Ok, well alot more went on this day. I'll have to fill you in later. Mom limits my "computer" time...
It's a crazy family I have, but I do love them...
Sebastian (age 10 mo)