Overall, I like the police. Hell, I work in some of the "hardest places" in this country. I've seen alot, been around alot. And when younger, did alot. Today.. I'm a pretty mild guy. I create no problems for anyone.
The younglings seem to think the "police" are the enemy. The police seem to think they are. In reality, I understand both sides. Neither really is though.
I'd like cops to "NOT" be too harsh. Of course, do your job.. but get to know who you "arrest". When I was in jail last winter (30 days- a cell with 12 people), there was only 2 in the cell that were "repeat offenders" (people that do the jail/prison) thing alot. The rest were just people. Mostly kids. Some were there because they got behind in child support (my crime too), some were there because they were 21, and bought for some 18 yr old babes (A crime I was guilty of when young, but never caught). Hunting season just started, and two were there because they walked onto "restricted property", and the DNR caught them shooting. Basically, still in the woods, but within city limits. Both got a 1200.00 fine, and 5 days in jail.
I could go on and on about things.. but I have a point. Yes "Police" be harsh as hell on those that are real "criminals", but those who just made a "mishap". or maybe they couldn't afford to pay.. don't need to be treated bad. Some "jailers" see this.. some try to be "Rambo" and prove they are strong. be strong when you need to be cops.. be cool when you need too also,, in the overall... you will change people more.
I am not against cops... nor am I against the "non violent" dudes in jail.. I just think people need to look "deep" into the other persons situation.. before they "leap".. Something to think about... Gary :)