Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Complex


I want you to think of a "few things". Without elaboration on all.. I want you to think a little. Fill in the blanks in your head. Maybe you'll "start" to understand me a little more.

Most of you know I do shows for a living. Most know I did that "24 years" for a living (Plus grew up with it 37+ years).

In that "period" of time. I have met "Hundreds of thousands" of business people, people from all walks of life. Sometimes I am meeting "rock stars". Sometimes "Corporate dudes". Sometimes I am set up with the "Muslems", sometimes "Gays". "Sometimes" I am on the race tracks with the drivers. Sometimes I am with "the Christians" at a church", "Sometimes in a Mexican community", sometimes in an Arab community. Sometimes hanging with felons. Alot more too.

On my display, I make "crosses", I make "pot leaves". I cover all the "basis". In my opinion.. all have a right to their on opinion.

At work.. I am not "supporting any opinion". At work, my opinions don't matter. What does matter to me, is all see.. I am not pushing anything. I am there to make money.

Blogs are different to me. Am I pushing thoughts on blogs? YES, I sure am. That's what they are for. That's where you really hear what I think.

I meet people from "all" walks of life. Every single week. I can positively say.. anywhere I go. I know how that business works. I know if they are cheating on taxes, I know how everything works. Even the fact of "the way I look" and how I act.. I am told FAR more inside info then most. All I gotta do is "look" for a few seconds. I know the deal.. and mostly is confirmed by someone.

So here is the "point". I can't be everything to everyone. Maybe I tried when I was younger. Today, I just mostly be me. If I set up at a church or something.. I'll bring the "pot leaves". If it bothers them I'll take them down.

I try to be "diverse", but still hold my own opinions. If a church or something wants me to "remove" pot leaves. I'd just say.. I understand your points. No problem. Personally I am not against pot. I knew in the first place they wanted that removed.. but I wouldn't till asked. Then, they are happy I listened. Will be invited back next year.. for sure.

Thepirateinthecity. Ok, listen for a second. I am with "many types" of people every single day. Half my friends are convicted "felons". I've heard their stories since I was a little "kid", and I can promise spotting the lies isn't hard. Here is the reason. Most "felons" really aren't that "educated". Plus they show, they have a "desire" to do crimes, and avoid the law. Certain things, I could care less about (such as dealing marijuana). Other things I do. Such as stealing checks, child porn or whatever.

Am I "educated"? You figure that out. Just ASK questions about "anything to me". You pick the subject. I am educated, not just from school, but from life. I've walked so many ways in life.. I can talk to anyone.

My opinion on "Pirate" is this. I am not pulling any punches. He is a convicted felon. He admitted to stealing checks (far more too). He admitted "child porn" was found on his computer. He admitted they wanted him to do 10 years in prison for two pictures of child porn (he says was in the cache, and was accidental). He was released after 2 years. This dude lies his ass off.

The "only thing" Pirate is trying to do on "MyBloggers", is make himself sound better. Ya know, had he came here "honest".. I wouldn't have a problem at all. I just know he is based on lies.. and I doubt he has changed. If you want to be mad at me.. because I wrote/write against him. That's up to you. I welcome him back.. but let him answer some questions before I leave the subject alone. If I run him off.. so what to me? There are thousands of blog sites. I could start my own actually. I'll say what I think,, all the time.. and everytime. I have "zero" worries about this.

Pirate won't be back. I don't think. Because, someone exposed his lies. Even moreso.. that same someone (me), can find out way more. I want him back. Yes, I'd like a "cool" chat. I cannot however, support someone I know is "Purposely" lying. Come back in "truth" to me".. no problems.

I meet "thousands" of people every weekend. I know people "very well". I know the lies, deceptions.. all that. I read them like a fucking book.

That's all I have to say.

posted on Aug 19, 2009 9:53 PM ()

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