Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Fredo


Fredo, I am one of the calmest people you will meet. In real life anyway. I am one of the most "tolerant too" of others ideas and lives. Blogs, I use to say "opinions". You probably notice I do.

You "posted" that I am "dumping" on gays. What you clearly miss is.. I have ALWAYS" said I "support" the rights of gays complete. That's not "dumping on gays". If you want to know the truth Fredo, not long ago I had a "gay dude" going to the shows with me. I consider him a great friend. He was always attracted to me. He began trying to "flirt". I'm like.. dude, I'm not "Gay", sucking a dude's dork is gross to me.

So one night. We were in the tent together after the show. Both drank a 12 pack at least. He started going "on and on" how he'd like to "suck my cock". I just said.. If it makes you happy.. go for it dude. Don't expect me to get hard, or to "reciprocate". I ain't into that.. but if it makes you happy, "suck my dick"...

I unzipped. I thought he was thinking "I would suddenly" like it. I never got hard. He spent like thirty seconds there.. and quit. He was like.. I know your not into this Gary. I done told him that before. Sure stopped him from talking later. He still did shows with me. Never brought that up again.

Does this "surprise you"? Shouldn't. Not the way I talk here. My thought.. lips are lips. Feels the same as a woman's lips. Go for it if that's what you need. I wasn't experinmenting with my sexuality. I wasn't trying to get some "sexual gratification". I was proving a point. I am not gay, never will be. I simply wiped the sliva off my dick.. that was the end of it.

MyBloggers seems to have "alot" of gays on here. Here is the problem "as I perceive it". Gays are "super sensitive" in general. Especially if anyone says "anything" that doesn't "approve" the lifestyle. I said I don't "approve it", but also not "against it". Gross to me "YES". But I really couldn't care less if you snuggle up to your "boyfriend/husband" at night.. and suck His dick. That's "your life". You live yours, I will live mine.

My "stepdad" once gave me a word of advice (when I was very young". Stuck with me to this day. He said "Every man has his own life to lead". Wow.. so true!

If you think about it "Fredo".. "Do I seem like a person trying to gain support here? Seriously, if I was I wouldn't write the way I do. If I was I know "exactly" how to say whatever I want. I just put my thoughts out really.

If you think you take "flack" for being Gay.. I can say you are way behind me. I take "far" more flack then you. I drink, I admit liking to wear womens lingerae at times (Not gay a sexual thing). I like being tied up, I like tying the women up I am with. I read the Bible, I work with Christians. I now smoke again... With all that said. If you actually "met me in person".. you'd probably like me. I signed up to "facebook". 70 people in two days wanted to add me as a friend. All I knew in the past. Now there is over 200. All that met me sometime in the past.

I am "so much NOT" a people person", that it makes me a "people person". This might not make alot of sense to you all.. you'd have to "walk in my shoes" to understand. My personality is very "direct" at times. Very "quiet" at times. Very difficult to pick up on. My personality is very "conducive" to "people wanting to know me more. I even had alot of comments about that on "Facebook" people that really know and met me.

I AM NOT against you or Martin (or Gays in general). Yes, he wrote some things that pissed me off. I responded. The thought to "me" lasts like 30 seconds. I'm sorry to know it lasts "forever" to him. He's missing so much.

Why do you think I meet "rock stars", huge promoters etc.. weekly? I hang with them all. They sure as hell don't agree with everything I do. I don't "follow all the rules".. I do more opposite then others would try. Yet, I do it in a way.. they all want to hang with me. Invite me back at a cheaper price.

Fredo? If you decide to "stop reading my blogs", stop responding or something (Like Martin).. up to you. I wish you wouldn't. Dialog is always good. I like you man!

Pirateinthecity.. to me is "welcome" to my blogs. He can say whatever he wants. I think he is a "lying bastard", and I fully stated that. I'll give the "benefit of the doubt".. if he writes (and I do want him back here). But when I catch him in lies.. I will respond. I'll run the fucker off if I have too. All I need, is to "expose the lies". I promise, I can.

I'm not against "gays" Fredo. Read ALL I say, not just little pieces. I'll continue to write how I do. I'll continue to be me.

Take care man,, Gary

posted on Aug 19, 2009 7:17 PM ()

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