Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Stopping Blogs for a Few

Stopping Blogs for a Few

I'm stopping "Blogs" for a few. No, ha nothing to do with anything said here.

I just gotta do "what I expect" to be the busiest show of the year tomorow (leave in like 4 hrs actually, and I have no plans to sleep). I'm all packed, will be there 3 days. I don't know if I am staying there, driving back and forth,, anything really. I just am certain I will "be exhausted". If I can blog, I will. If not.. will update all after.

This is the same show "Jondude" mentioned many months ago. If you remember, I told him it's the biggest and best in the state. After looking it over (maps and whatever).. looks like we will have a prime location.


Other news. Well my dad flew in from Florida. He was coming anyway. He is a "master pipefitter". Well we haven't had water all week. He could've fixed it, but did't have the tools here. I think I could too.. no tools. So he called his buddy. He owns a well drilling company. Cost us "$355.00" (which was a deal really). It was the motor on the pump. All fixed now.


After I spent most of the day on that "well crap", I decided to put out our "veggies" by the road. We have "Tons" a HUGE garden. I spent about 3 hours making a "locking box". Hinges, stained, looks good. I nailed it to a tree, and JB welded the screws to make it hard to be broke into (they can't unscrew it, and tearing it apart would be hard). My thought.. chances of anyone trying to steal it are slim. A few bucks, not worth it. Plus I posted signs. Kinda warned the kids.. if they try... may be on the wrong end of my shotgun.. lol. I think it's safe. And when I am away.. since I am not charging (more asking for a donation) I think the honest folk will give what it's worth. Already had a few people come by and drop money in my box.


Ok People! I am done on the "Pirateinthecity" thing. I just wanna say one last thing. I don't believe him, I consider him a "predator and theif". I don't think he changed. I was NEVER against him (blog wise anyway). In the sense, he could talk if being truthful. I don't care, I welcome him here. You all said your thoughts.. I said mine. I'll leave him alone now. Yet, I know, if your son or daughter was downloading child porn, stealing checks (30K worth), and spent many years in "prison" for it.. I suspect you'd "question them too".. I know a "Lier" when I see one. Now it's done. I won't blog about it again.


Redwolftimes?! I know whatever I say means "nothing to you". I know out of "anyone" I get more negative comments from you. I don't think you ever "try" to understand what I really say. Then again.. I don't care now. I like you.. I just think your so "pious" or something.. or plain stupid.. you can't really "see" what's going on. Hey, just my opinion.. lol.


Gay Dudes?! I could care less what you do. Blow that "hot man", if you like him and he wants it. All I am saying, is it's not the life for me. Biblically, I am not even against it. I could give as many reasons to support you, as the churches. I tend to side "against it", but no reason to me to "not be a friend". Between you and God.. I just say what I think.


Take care all, still got some packing to do for this weekend show!

Gary :)

posted on Aug 20, 2009 10:07 PM ()

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